Request- Confused. Tom K.

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Genre: Fluff.
Pairing: Tom Kaulitz X Georg Listings littlesister Reader.
Summary: Tom and Reader are in love but Reader is quiet oblivous.
Kissing, nausea, motion sickness.
So as always you were on the tour bus with the popular german band Tokio Hotel. Not that you didn't enjoy being on tour with some of your most important people in your life, it's just the motion sickness that sucked.

It almost felt surreal that your older brother was this young and successful. But it was fun. Especially when you were allowed to be around the band so often even on tour.

Since you met the band your brother was in, you became great friends with them. It was a chaotic enviroment to be in that was too funny not to want to be apart of. The only member on the band who you didn't want to call a friend was Tom. Ever since Georg had known the boys and been in the band you were introduced to them right away. And of course Tom caught your eye. He was pretty, goofy and he knew how to play the guitar. But the problem with Tom was that you never knew if Tom meant what he said  when he was flirting with you. You always took it like a joke. It was hard to tell. He was all over girls when he could. He was known as the player in the group. It hurt. It hurt just a little bit that you didn't know where you stood with Tom. You never took him seriously.

But you did appreciate how Tom can be caring. He's proved it before and did it once again on the tour bus. You were trying to keep your eyes open as you held your fingertips against your forehead, like you could ease your nausea that way. Tom noticed placing a calm hand on your shoulder.

You felt dizzy everytime the bus rocked to the side. "Are you okay?" He asked and tried to look you in the face, but you looking down at the bus' floor made it hard for him. You sighed before answering. "Yeah". What was Tom gonna do? No need to tell him you were actually feeling like puking. Your eyes were barely open, but you tried to keep them open. Which was hard when you felt so sick but you knew that it could help with watching where the bus was driving and your surroundings. You heard some shuffling before you felt an arm go around your back and a hand resting on top of your left shoulder. "Are you sure?" His voice sounded again. You sighed once again. "Tom, i'm fine".

He wasn't brave enough to keep going. Feeling like he had already crossed a boundary he sat a bottle of water infront of  you on one of the tables and left, patting you lightly on your back. Tom isn't scared to cross boundaries. Everyone else on the bus knew that too. Probably why they all shared a look of confusion as if Tom would've pushed you further.

When you arrived at the hotel you would be staying at you had to sit in the lobby for what felt like forever, because the hotel had a mess up and couldn't check you in just yet. You sat on one of the couches resting your chin in your hand. You watched the boys bickering as always. Bill and Tom were being messy with each other. You weren't even listening to what they were arguing about. You just observed how chaotic the boys were. It was entertaining. You guessed that Tom noticed and wanted to tease you. "Like what you see, babygirl".

You furrowed your eyebrows before rolling your eyes at his sillyness. A small butterfly might've visited for a second when he smiled at you. He just chuckled at you. The blush you spotted on his face wasn't fully registered in your brain, thinking that it might just be adrenaline running through his body. Bill shoved Tom playfully as to say that he didn't want his best friend to constantly be flirted with if it wasn't something you wished yourself. Just like Georg looked at him with a disproving look. "Leave my sister alone" He said with a lightly playful tone but it was a mutual understanding that he meant it.

It's not that you weren't fully aware of your own crush on Tom but it just didn't take up a lot of space when you already made peace with the fact that Tom wasn't interested in a relationship.

But your brother had already caught up on it. To be honest he was mostly scared that Tom was just trying to get you into bed and leave it at that. So Georg made sure to stop Tom on the way up to your hotel rooms. You were walking along with Bill and Gustav talking about anything between heaven and earth up the stairs. You didn't even notice Georg had stopped Tom.

"Tom, I mean it. Mess around with my sister and it won't end well for you" Georg didn't actually want to threaten one of his best friends but he also felt a need to protect his family. Tom furrowed his eyebrows. "What?" Tom understood why Georg was being like that.  Tom was always covering up his romantic feelings for you with his natural player and flirty personality. "You heard me. Don't hurt my sister. I mean it." Tom just stared at Georg unsure of what to say. So many thoughts and feelings going on at once. "Uhm, sure okay. Yeah.." He said with almost a blank expression, but it was clear in his eyes that something was going on inside of there. Georg went up the stairs leaving Tom at the bottom of them, staring in the air before following behind.

Later on the evening you were out walking with Georg. Something that felt nice after being hours on the road. You were clutching onto your jacket walking down an unfamiliar street with your brother. It was already dark and stars were already painting the nightsky.

Georg finished a sentence when he felt like you weren't 100% present. Which wasn't completely off. You did have a lot of thoughts on your mind. Especially one thought that clouded your mind the most. "I think Tom might like me" You almost whispered. You stopped walking making Georg stop aswell. He raised an eyebrow at you before he let out a breath. You saw how the cold air met with his warm breath creating a fog. You almost regretted saying it until you saw Georgs small smirk. "Finally. We all noticed." He saw smiled slightly, shrugging his shoulders like it was the most obvious thing.

"Oh..okay" You started to smile yourself. The thought of him liking you like that started to form more butterflies than you felt earlier.

It was hard to focus on the rest of the walk, now knowing that you had to act on these feelings. And even though you had time to confess, you still couldn't wait.
When you entreres the hotel you felt how vold you had been meeting such warmth embrace you after walking in snow. But you also felt the excitement running through you as you remembered what Georg had given away.

You walked up the stairs of the hotel looking for Toms room. Finally finding his door, you knocked and waited.

Tom was just as surprised to see you standing in his door, just like you yourself were. "Hi Tom" You breathed out, like you had been holding your breath. He studied your face. "Hi".
"Uhm.." You were really starting to regret this. What if Georg was just joking? Or what if you misunderstood him?

"I just...I heard that you like me? Or well.." You looked up at the ceiling trying to think of how to actually form your sentences. You held your palms against each other as a nervous figdet. Toms lips started to slowly curve upwards.

He took a step forward letting his hand fall from the doorhandle. He cupped your face with his hands before giving you a deep kiss. You helt onto his arm, standing a little bit on the tip of your toes. It was hard not to feel all dazed. Like you had discovered something new but it was familiar in a sense that you've known Tom for so long. After the kiss he gave you one quick one and let his hands let go off your face. He didn't need to say no more. The kiss and the look in his eyes was an answer good enough.

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