The Training Battle

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she was running down the hall, she bumped into a boy with blonde hair and mesmerizing eyes he screamed "watch where you're-" " M-my apologies.." "it's all good, what's a pretty lady like you doing here,are you new?" "Ya I am" " your quiet the beauty " "why,thank you" "which class did you get?" "1A" "what! The 1A freaks , why did a beauty like you get sent to such a class" pardon my rudeness but we are not freaks " " whatever,I am always right because my name is Nitou Monama." " I'm Rerika Neruko, hope to see you again but now I have to rush to unc- uhh ... Ms Aizawa's office." Bows down and starts running but she is lost in her thoughts -why would he call 1A freaks maybe he didn't mean it- when she reached Aizawa's office she jumped on his back leaving him startled but recovered quickly, Rerika smerked her hands made a quick gesture and as for Aizawa he moved his skerf so fast it seemed to have cought something which was not visible and that he actually did. Rerika had unleshed her quirk and somehow Aizawa managed to catch it. " Awww man..... I thought i had you with this one " Rerika said getting off his back. "Nice one kiddo! But you know you can't beat me can ya, i am your uncle after all." "Wait what! Uncle! I thought you were her father!" "What! Shoto you really need to stop making theories, you could have atleast asked before assuming" "that's why I was coming here" "so Rerika explain it to him i have to go meet principal Nezu" "Then.....why did you call me here" "oh ya Tokime send a gift for you since you got into U.A." "oh I see.... please tell him thanks from my side" "say it your self " "I-I don't want to, don't ask me why, you know..." "Ok i get it i will tell him." "Muuhu thanks uncle shota" Rerika sat next to shoto on the couch 🛋️ keeping the gift aside . "So you have questions" "ya... your and Aizawa sensai relationship" "humm....... Let's see, he is my father's brother's wife brother." " That's a long chain......" "By the way why are your hands so rough and worn and OMG! Your other hand is covered with blisters, what happened?" "I umm.... Overdid training " "is there a perticular reason?" "Well umm.... I called Fiyomi (his sister) yesterday night and she was crying and when I asked her what had happened she said her husband and mother in law beat her because she made the tea too bitter " "Ara~ do Natsu-san (his brother) or Endeavor (his father) know about this" "No, she told me not to tell it to anyone because it will only make it hard for her and I made her a promise to not tell anyone but here i am telling you please don't tell it to anyone" "I see..... I am sorry i really don't know how to help you, please forgive me." "It's ok, it's not like your a god who knows everything! I'm sorry if it sounds rude....." "Muuhu not at all,it's okay." "Nea Neruko-san do you like cat's?" "Why, ofcourse I do, since you are pretty much like a cat." "I guess i will take that as a compliment" "it sure is" They got back to class since they had training battle with class 1-B.
The Training Battle was pretty simple the red flag was located in middle of the ground and both the classes will be divided in two groups containing two people from either 1-A or 1-B or both together
[I'm skip to the main part cose i lazy 🦥]
The last round contained Katsuki Bakugo and Rerika Neruko as a pair and Nito Monama and Mina Asido as a pair. Monama cringed at hearing this " I'm a pair with the pink freak" he screamed " Monama-san shouldn't you be a little more respectful towards her." Said Rerika trying to reduce the tension between Bakugo and Monama. Monama just scofed, "don't think I am gonna go easy on you Nerubae!" Mina said to make things more calm "don't think we'll go easy on you either racoon 👀 eye's isn't that right eyepatch!!!" "eye patch?... You love making wired nicknames don't you Bakugo - san" Rerika said softly chuckling.
The battle had begun Bakugo was taking on Monama and Rerika was taking on Mina. Rerika could have easily defeated Mina if it weren't for her flexibility and sence of surrounding plus she was using acid on the strings so it was hard to reach to her so she could not secret more acid as she used to much and Rerika as well could not produce more strings so Mina started with physical combat and Rerika was not going down either since she was and pro at kickboxing and karate it was intense. As for Bakugo and Monama, Bakugo was trying not to get too close to Monama since his quirk is copy but eventually Monama and Bakugo got in contact at the exact moment Monama used Bakugo quirk to blast him away which made it hard for Bakugo to get up and Monama picked him up and through him on the ground again Rerika saw that and used her quirk to tie up Monama but she lost focus and Mina forced her down by then bakugo made a run for the flag and Mina catches up to him , it was all going to fast which made Rerika to act without thinking and she used her quirk to stop Mina but missed but she managed to trip her. she fell down and Bakugo managed to get the flag. Since training was over as well as the school so they were all just chilling on the ground Rerika was at the corner getting her hands pached up since she went overboard with her quirk and her skin on her palms began to bleed since the strings are capable enough to cut a human body into pieces.
"Don't you know how to work hah!! Don't you know how to fight, you pink freak!" Exclaimed Monoma while grabbing Minas collar, Bakugo couldn't bare the sight of it so he pushed Monoma down "you can't talk to her like that you asshole"Bakugo seemed annoyed but yet calm , in return Monoma started insulting him "who do you think you are hah! Some kind of God or something, you are nothing but a monster, why did you ever get into U.A. you were better of being a villain did you bribe the school or something ahe ha haha I'm sure your mother regrets giving birth to y--" "ugh.. so loud why can't you just shut up, don't you get tired saying the same damned thing again and again and AGAIN!" Rerika shot in a very irritated tone walking towards them, but there was something different about her, she had patched up her pink eye which was on the right side, but suddenly her left eye which is yellow it was light pink plus it was really unlikely of her to get mad since she is the type to forgive or try to solve it. Bakugo usually would speak up and insult the other person but this seems to have gotten to Bakugo. Rerika went up to Monoma and grabbed him by his collar "You better watch your mouth you little shit, or should I spill the tea copycat, chill your ass down." Rerika's eyes turned into a darker shade of pink literally. Monoma eyes widened seeing the colour of the eyes change and as well as the fact that she knew about his middle school bullies would call him, 'copy cat's , he was bullied so hard that he had a long cut from his knee to his ankle, his parents had left him because they thought that his quirk was better off being used for a villain they threw him out to die where he met his grandmother who raised him. she thought him how to stand up for himself and busting his ego, but it wasn't the reason he hated Bakugo, Bakugo was always rude and called all the others were useless though he didn't actually mean it, that's what ticked off Monoma he hated seeing others get called weird or useless. The only people who knew about his past were the people in his middle school in which Rerika was not part of so it was practically impossible for her to know that.
Rerika warned him to never say that again to anyone or she won't be nice like how she was this time and she ran off and hugged Aizawa (her teacher also uncle) and he patted her on the head and took her somewhere everyone was in shock by her mood changed

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