you deserved it ..

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He pushed her forward when they reached the rooftop ..which made prim fall on the floor ..

What the hell is wrong with you ..

Shut up just shut up .. no more talking only answer what I ask you ..

 no more talking only answer what I ask you

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What's .....

How much money did they gave you ..

Who .. and what money ..

Now Don't act innocent prim ....i know very well how much people can do for money so tell me when I am asking nicely .. who told you to plant virus in my laptop .....

What the hell in the world are you speaking why would I plant a virus in your laptop ..what it has to do with me ..

I know that's why I am asking who told you to do this ..prim ..

No one asked me to do anything. . I didn't plant a virus in your laptop ..

I told you na I am answer me since I am asking nicely ..

And I also told you that I didn't do anything like that .. didn't you heard me ..

Prim he shouted .. Don't lie to me ..

Why would I lie to you .. and don't yell at me prim spoke .

 and don't yell at me prim spoke

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Kavin chuckled ..  ..really you are so tough you won't admit it since I am asking nicely to you .... I think I should ask you in my way ..

Kavin grabbed her arm again and pulled her closer ..prim tried to get out of his grip ..

Leave me ..she spoke as he made his grip tighten.   .

Suddenly Kavin was pulled away from her ..

What the hell Kavin shouted but thyme was there....he pushed kavin back ..thyme got to know about it from the guards when he asked where Kavin was .

thyme got to know about it from the guards when he asked where Kavin was

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