Chapter 10 - Chafing for Hours

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 Liam's sword passed through the creature's spine just beneath the metal socket, the blade gliding along the metal implant and severing it. The creature burst like a balloon, before the rainbow smoke had cleared he heard Henri's call, "There are two more ready for you, then we should be done." The tall man was fending off two more of the squat mammals with his spear and pistol, taking care not to deal either a finishing blow.

Liam chanted his spell and thrust his blade into the body of one of the creatures while pointing the grapnel at the other and depressing the trigger. The grapnel impaled one of the metal plates that covered its body, releasing the trigger it began to reel in. Liam plunged his blade into the last of the creatures, accompanied by the ominous chant it burst just like the others.

As they sorted the loot between Henri's storage belt compartments, Liam discovered a small orb that looked like it was made of many different smaller orbs pressed together while still maintaining their shape, "What is this?" Holding the object in front of him he queried his glasses, feeling the familiar drain as it accessed the information to identify objects. The response from his glasses was the feminine voice he had become accustomed to.

Awakening Stone of the Horde - this is a compounded awakening stone

Compound awakening stones are required to be used in a ritual with another stone or stones.

Compound awakening stones will alter an existing ability at the same time as awakening a new ability. These abilities will utilize the same core Essence as their foundation.

"Henri, have you ever heard of compound awakening stones?" Liam asked while simultaneously sending the information to the lanky man through his gift. "I think we have another awakening stone in the ooze bag, do you mind if I use it?"

Liam paused while he digested the information before responding, "I think it would be a good idea to have you awaken more abilities. My worry is that there will be repercussions we don't know about." Henri scanned the area around them while continuing to talk, "Let's find a place where we can rest before you absorb it, I don't want to have to protect you while you recover from something unforeseen."

They were in a tunnel that branched away from the ring that seemed to comprise the area where they had arrived. It was the first corridor that had a different elevation, it was traveling down into the earth. While they still had the artificial lighting that comprised sections of the ceiling being back-lit it did little to ease the feeling of oppressive weight that emanated from above their heads. After traveling down for several hundred vertical feet they had arrived at the interface between manufactured and natural caverns.

Not long after, they were swarmed with armored moles which were about the size of a medium dog on earth. The armored plates of metal like an armadillo coupled with the small diameter laser cannon on some of their backs did not pose much of a threat.

Henri led the way, his survivor gift providing a 6th sense about their surroundings while his conjured compass selected the direction when paths diverged. A few hours and a couple of fights later, they reached what looked like the door to an ancient submarine, complete with a large rusty wheel in the center.

It took both of them working together to open the door, inside was a surprisingly clean space. Since the artificial lighting died when they entered the caverns, Liam had to shade his eyes, and Henri was unaffected due to his perception ability making darkness and light negligibly different to him.

There were a pair of beds on either side, and a door in the back leading to a restroom complete with shower and running water. "Finally I can clean off, I've been chafing for hours." Liam muttered when he discovered the working amenities.

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