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"What's going on over there?" Seokjin inquired of Jungkook, as they heard boisterous shouts emanating from the corridor they were approaching.

"I have no idea," Jungkook responded, and they proceeded down the corridor to find two alphas engaged in a fierce altercation.

The rest of the students were gawking at them in astonishment as they exchanged blow after blow, landing punches squarely on each other's faces.

As Seokjin and Jungkook made their way towards the onlookers, one of the alphas forcefully shoved the other, causing him to collide directly into Jin.

The powerful shove sent Jin crashing into the opposite wall, causing a sharp pang of pain to shoot through his arms.

The intensity of the pain overwhelmed Jin's delicate body, leaving him feeling lightheaded and his senses engulfed in darkness.

"Jin!" Jungkook shouted in alarm as he watched his friend collapse unconscious onto the floor.

Panic spread through the crowd as the Luna lay unconscious on the ground, causing a ripple of distress among everyone present.

Jungkook rushed to Jin's side, cradling his head in his lap. With trembling hands, he urgently requested someone to fetch a doctor. He swiftly retrieved his phone and dialed Taehyung's number, hoping for a quick response.

"Tae, hurry! Jin... he's hurt," Jungkook gasped out, his words tumbling out in a single breath. He gently patted Jin's face, desperate for a response.

In just a matter of minutes, the university doctors arrived, and Taehyung came rushing over too.

"What's going on?" he asked, as the students huddled together, whispering and exchanging worried glances.

Taehyung had already dialled Namjoon's number when he received the distressing news about Jin's injury.

Jungkook accompanied Jin down the corridor.

A sense of unease filled the air as the sound of heavy footsteps echoed, accompanied by a mix of anger and worry. The hallway seemed to shake with each step.

"Where's Jin?" Namjoon asked, his voice filled with concern, as he approached Taehyung.

The rest of the students stood frozen in fear, even the two alphas who had been locked in a heated argument moments ago now wore expressions of worry.

"He's at the hospital," Taehyung informed. Namjoon cast a piercing gaze at the trembling students, their fear palpable in the air.

"No one is going to budge, got it?" Namjoon growled fiercely at the crowd, his voice filled with authority.

"What the hell went down here?" He growled once more, causing the principal to come running within seconds after hearing about the enraged Alpha.

"I dunno. When I got here, Jin was out cold," Taehyung said, which made Namjoon's heart ache with worry for his mate.

"Hey, spill it. What went down?" Namjoon shot a menacing glare at the principal and then turned his attention to a trembling beta who stood near the two battered alphas.

“They were fighting, and he pushed Jihyun, causing Jihyun to collide with Luna.”The beta stuttered, indicating towards the two alphas with shaky gestures.

“Then Luna slammed into the wall and ended up unconscious,” the beta finished, while Namjoon kept his gaze fixed on the two alphas, unwavering, as the beta recounted what had happened.

"Why were you fighting?" Namjoon inquired, his voice dripping with icy coldness.

"Sorry, Alpha," one of them stuttered, his head lowered in submission, sensing the imminent threat.

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