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Song recommended 👆 wonder by Shawn Mendes

Seokjin was immensely appreciative of his friends who graced him with their presence, significantly brightening his day.

He yearned for a respite from the labyrinth of his thoughts, and their companionship provided just that.

And there they were, chilling in the living room, having a blast playing truth or dare. It was such a fun and exciting time.

Yeah, there was definitely a bit of tension between Jimin and Jungkook, but Jimin did an amazing job of concealing his inner struggles. He's so good at putting on a brave face.

Jin was so incredibly proud of Jimin, and he gave him the comfort he needed with just a smile.

Through his eyes, Jin conveyed the message that Jimin was doing an amazing job.

The bottle spun around and ended up pointing right at him. It was the first time in the entire game that the bottle had chosen him.

"Truth or dare?" Jungkook asked, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

Jin couldn't fully trust him, knowing that Jungkook held many secrets about him.

So, to play it safe, Jin decided to go with a dare. He didn't want to take any risks with revealing too much!

"Jinnie is such an amazing singer, he definitely needs to show off his skills!" Jungkook declared, earning enthusiastic nods from Taehyung and Jimin.

"That's a piece of cake for me!" Jin confidently swayed his hand, showing just how easy it was for him.

"Yay!" The three of them clapped happily, giving Jin all the encouragement he needed.

Seokjin has a song stuck in his mind these days, and it feels like it was meant just for him.

He chose to sing that song because it resonates with him deeply. So he brought his phone for the background music.

Namjoon walked into the house, drawn by the sound of loud cheers. From the bits he heard, it seemed like they were asking Jin to sing.

He stopped in his tracks as the music from the phone erupted, causing the cheers to suddenly die down.

He couldn't take another step as Jin's melodious voice filled the air, perfectly syncing with the music coming from the phone.

It was a mesmerizing moment, leaving Namjoon completely captivated by Jin's incredible voice.

"I wonder if I'm being real.
Do I speak my truth or do I filter how I feel?"

As Seokjin started singing, it felt like he was definitely pouring his heart out, singing the story of his life.

He surely wonders if he's being real or if it's all a filter.

"I wonder wouldn't it be nice to live inside a world that isn't black and white."

Namjoon couldn't help but listen intently, feeling the hair on his nape stand on end as Jin's voice filled the room.

It was so incredibly realistic, as if Jin was singing straight from the depths of his heart. The raw emotion in his voice was simply captivating.

"I wonder what's it's like to be my friends,
Hope that they don't think I'll forget about them."

Jungkook couldn't help but giggle silently, not wanting to disturb the peacefulness of Jin's voice. But the verse hit him straight in the heart.

"Right before I close my eyes ,
The only thing that's on my mind,
Been dreaming that you feel it too,
I wonder what it's like to be loved by you,"

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