PART - 1

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                     at 5:00 a. m.

Knock Knock!!
Knock Knock!!

His sleep was interrupted by the sound of Door knocking.

A Young Aged man woke up with his regular emotionless face and directly lighted his room by switching ON the lights.
After that only his footsteps can be heard inside the room. As soon as he opened the door, an old aged woman in her forties bowed to him.

"Good morning King". She said in a sweet manner.
He nodded as an answer.
"King, Master has called you". She said as sweetly as she could say.
"Okay tell him I am coming after freshen up". He said in his regular cold tone.
"Okay King". She said in her regular respective sweet tone.

After that she bowed to him & went away from there.

As soon as she went away from there he closed the door of his room & quickly entered to his bathroom.

              ---- Time Skips ----

A Muscular body with Abs entered the room along with spreading his aromatic & Obsessing fragrance.

A white coloured towel was wrapped around his waist.

The drops of the water falling from his hair and then traveled down to his face and then traveled down his broad chest & then disappearing inside the towel.

His wet face is shining like a moon shine on the day of full moon.

Then he came closer to his huge & wide closet [ That was built like a room ].

After choosing a King style suit, he wore it.

                 // Meanwhile //

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                 // Meanwhile //

                    at 6:00 a.m.



The Sound of alarm disturbed her Beautiful sleep.

Arghh!! she said irritating by the sound of alarm.

After lying in bed for some times she woke up.

After taking few steps towards the window she opened it up.

"Good Morning Burning Star". She said in her regular cutest voice, looking at the sun.

After that she freshen up herself & wore a beautiful outfit [ Her every outfit is beautiful ]

After that she freshen up herself & wore a beautiful outfit [ Her every outfit is beautiful ]

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Then she went downstairs.

"Good Morning miss Aurora". A young woman greeted her with a bow.

"Good Morning Hana". She said with her regular killing smile.

"Where is Dad & Oppa??" She asked trying to find both of them with her gaze.

"Master has left yesterday night for his business trip & in early morning Young master left for his work." She said in a single breath.

"Oh-Okay." She said after a deep thought.

"Come miss Aurora, Have your breakfast." She said sweetly and hoping if she would agree.

"No Thanks Hana, I think I am full. Just give me some bread along with peanut butter." She said refusing her sweetly.

"Okay miss Aurora." Hana said with a smile.

Then she gave Aurora some bread with peanut butter.

After taking her food she was about to leave, than Hana stopped her.

"Miss Aurora, master said me to give you this envelope." She said handing her a letter that was covered with an envelope.

"Okay Hana, Thanks." as soon as she took that envelope from Hana hands she said that words.

After that Hana left from there.

After she left Aurora opened that letter.

As soon as her eyes falls on that letter, her emotions are changed with the speed of light.

                // Meanwhile //

Someone's footsteps can be heard from upstairs that is coming downstairs.

After that footsteps finally arrived downstairs, it started to come close & stopped at a safe distant.

There is a man who has back faced him.

"So, finally you arrived." That  back faced man said.

"Yeah Dad, you called me?" That footsteps owner asked.

"Yes, Have it." He said offering his son a glass of blood.

"Thanks Dad

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"Thanks Dad." He said accepting that glass.

"Sebastian!" that old man named Nolan Vettel said after taking few sips from his glass.

"Yes Dad?" he asked looking at his father.

Nolan handed him an envelope.

"Open it and you will get your answer." Said by Nolan.

After that he unfolded that envelope and reached it carefully.

"Okay Dad." He said folding that envelope.


He said with a smirk.



So, What do you think what is in the letter!?
Who send both of them that letter??
What was the emotion of Aurora after reading that letter??
Why is Sebastian was smirking after reading that letter??

There are so many questions. Stay tuned for your answers in upcoming parts.

HEYYY!! Teddy bears🐻🐻
What's going on??
Did you all sleep well!?
So, this is first part, maybe you will like it.
Stay tuned for upcoming parts and updates!!
Vote & comment that how was the part!!

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