Chapter 2

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Heila's Pov 

I woke up early and got dressed in civilian clothing, even though the people would recognize me, I chose to dress as if I was a common person. Wearing flashy jewels and my crown all day is simply not me. I run downstairs and eat breakfast quickly.

"Helia slow down. You will choke my son," my mother tells me while chuckling.

"Sorry. I'm just in a hurry. I'm going out with the boys today."

"As long you are safe. Be back by 11 though," my father says while reading his usual .

"Thank mom, thanks, dad. Love you bye." I say quickly as I rush out of the door. "Guys, where are you?"

"Come on Helia lets go," Nabu says while motioning him to the leva bike.

We rush over to the market place to see if she was there. When we search the whole market looking for her, but no luck. We go to the store keeper of the flower stand.

"Madam do you know the girl who comes here every day."

"Not personally you highness. But she never comes on Saturdays. She stays at home every Saturday until 12. Then comes down here to meet Layla and her friends then they go to the mall. It's only 11. You still have time to catch here at her house." She says bowing respectfully.

"Thank you." I hand her 50 dollars and dashed off to my bike.

We sprint to our bikes and zoom to her house. To our surprise, she sleeping on a blanket with a tall big leaf over her face, and large black jacket acting as her pillow. She looks so cute sleeping. We move quietly to see her closely. Her mouth is slightly open and her cheek is slightly blushed. She curls closer to the gray jacket double her size as she sleeps. I start at her closely seeing if I made any mistakes in the drawing. As she starts to wake up I quietly move behind the guys to hide.

"Who are you? What are you doing?" She asks with fear in her voice.

"Relax miss. We are not going to hurt you. We just want to ask you some questions," Sky soothes her.

"Alright. May I get up?"

"Of course," Brandon says.

"Who are you?" She asks walking to the porch grabbing her jacket

"We are the royal guardsmen for the king and queen," Timmy explains.

"Ok, why are you here?" She asks slowly as she bows.

"For us of course," an annoying voice says.

"Icy would you let them finish first. It's very rude to interrupt people while they are talking."

"Zip, it dork. What is the occasion to grace us with your presence," the purple haired girl says as they all bow.

"Not for you. For her," I say looking at her as I walk out for them to see me.

"Me?" She asks not sure.

"Her?" The other girls ask not sure.

"Yes her. What is your name, my dear?" I ask kissing her hand softly.

"Flora your highness."

"Please tell me that this is a nightmare." Icy screams covering her eyes while her sister cry over-dramatically.

"Boys please take them inside."

"My pleasure," Riven says.

After kicking and screaming they finally go inside. I hold Flora at my side to protect her from them. She looks like she is about to cry. I rub her smooth mocha arms while shushing her softly.

"It's ok. Don't cry. It's over."

"Thank you."

"How about we go out for a bit?"

"Why me? You're getting married to the most beautiful girl in Helix and you want me, a peasant no less, to send the day with?"

"Because I want to. I'll explain more if you say yes."

"May I call my aunt?"

"Of course," I say motioning her to go inside to make the call.

She goes inside quickly looking back at me to see if I was still there. She smiled at me nervously before running back inside.

Flora's pov

This just keeps getting weirder and weirder every day. First, a bunch of guards from the palace wakes me up from my nap, then the prince wants to speak with me, then they tell the girls off, and now he wants to take me out. Questions rattle my head while I walk past my cousins. They look like they are going to kill me. I run to my room shutting the door, get my phone, and call my aunt.

"Yes Flora," my aunt asks.

"The prince is here with the guards and he wants to take me out. What do I do?" I ask in a panic.

"Do you want to go?"


"Then go, I'll deal with the girls later. Look your best and be nice. Love you Flora."

"Thanks, auntie. Love you too."

I change my lounging clothes to my light pink t-shirt with a floral pattern, my comfy blue jeans, and my sparkly Toms. I put on my father's leather jacket, inhaling the slightly faded scent of his favorite cologne with a small smile and grabbed my mother's necklace. I look myself over in the mirror nervosuly and quickly comb my hair. Satified by the over the shoulder look, I walk down stairs to see the prince still waiting for me at the door.

"You look lovely Flora. Keep an eye on these three until Flora's aunt and uncle return," Helia orders.

"Yes sir," the guards reply going back inside.

"Heila, you know one of us is going to have to go with you. You know how your mother can be," Sky explained.

"Riven, you may accompany me. But please I beg, keep your distance."

"Of course," Riven agreed as he walked outside to his bike.

"Where would you like to go Flora?"

"Wherever you like your highness."

"Please my dear, don't call my your highness or majesty or grace or prince. Just call me Helia. Okay."

"Yes, Helia."

"Do you know a nice place to talk?"

"I know a café down the road. No one every goes there, though. Well only me and my friends," I explain.

"Very well then," Helia says walking down the street with me.

"May I ask something?"

"I insist."

"Do you really love Diaspro?"

"No," he said sharply.

"Then why marry her."

"Because we need the merger to end the war in our countries. It's the only solution, even if I don't like it," Helia says looking sad.

"Love is a bond between two who love each other. Doesn't matter how, why, or what gender. Love is love and you can't just put two people and say that they are in love. That's not real lobe."

"I wish that my parents thought like that."

"What do you even want in a girl?" I ask with curiosity.

"That's a funny story," he says blushing violently

"I'm listening," I reveal a tiny smirk of curiosity.

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