Chapter 8

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Kodi, as much as she wished she wasn't, was the definition of a light weight, so after 3 great northerns she was already feeling a bit tipsy as she made her way back to the came, Jess having to keep her on track as Kodi's extroverted side came out as she said hi to absolutely everyone there. 

The two girls had watched the Bull riding with Tyler and Tessa, so when they were heading back to the camp before they headed up to the main stage as a big group to watch James Johnston and the sunny cowgirls preform live, it was an eventful one with Kodi feeling braver than what she normally did.

The deal that Kodi had always been taught was if you were gonna go to a BnS or Deni, you either make sure you've got a good boyfriend or you make sure You've got some good guy friends cause Guys can get pretty disgusting at these kinda things. At the moment, Codi considered her to have neither.

"How many has she had to drink" Matthew asked with a sigh as he watched them walk over. Kodi was still aware of her surroundings, she was just chirpier than normal.

"Literally 3 great northerns. I had to drag her back" Jess said with a grin, shaking her head. The two girls were close, the only thing stopping them from being closer was the fact Jess was Matthew's girlfriend, and Kodi didn't wanna take that away from him by buddying herself up with the girl.

"Lovely" Matthew said, holding a can in his hand. Despite the fact everyone had a drink, the guys were bigger than the three short ass girls, so they could hold drinks better than the others, but even So they all had been drinking.


After an incident of some guy trying to take Kodi, who had since before drank another can and a half, Colten decided he didn't really want to be in the crowd anyways, Hating how claustrophobic and he didn't really appreciate getting the smell of vapes blown in his face, and might he add Food dye thrown, even though technically it was banned, so he made his way back to the camp, Kodi in tow.

"Do you really think no guys could like me.." Kodi said, staring into the flames of the fire pit as her and Colten sat there, everyone else being at the concert which they could still hear. She had a bottle of water in her hands, having since stopped drinking. She was still drunk and not thinking straight, but she had a bit more of a gauge as to what was going on now.

"Kodi-, You know I didn't mean it like that" He said, letting out a sigh as he looked up at her.

"That's what you said though. That guys couldn't like me for my personality, they'd only like me for my body." Sure she wasn't no Kim K or super model, but she had a nice figure, despite being pint sized at 5'2. 

"Guy's are cunts Kodi. You know that." He said, not really sure how to reply. He felt like the biggest dog for saying that to her earlier. He partly said it because he was jealous, which sounded stupid when he thought about it but he hated how he wanted her to look at him, yet that other guy could so easily get her attention.


Not much had been said after that, so eventually the two went to sleep, not even muttering a good night to each other. They both needed to think. Unknown to the other, both of them felt the same way, they just both had the same thing on their mind. What about Matthew.

"How's the hangover?" Ally asked with a small smile, passing her some panadol and water before she passed her an egg and bacon muffin. "Greasy foods helps" She said.

"Thanks" She said, casting a glance at Colten, who was already looking at her. 

As they all planned their final day, Kodi decided she was going to push her feelings aside and was just going to enjoy the day with everyone, Colten included. It was a big fun day of meeting up with their siblings as they went to the ute paddock, watching the ute barrels and everyone show of their utes, all of them living for the thrill and just serenity of it all. 

The evening quickly dawned, and Kodi opted out of getting drunk again, only having one can. It didn't take long for her to tap out of the concert once again though, Colten doing the same.

"I dont get how people can care that little about themselves that they vape" She said, rolling her eyes as they walked back, very few people at each camps.

"Honestly, it's fucking stupid" He said, keeping by her side as a group of guys walked past.

"Nice jeans Darlin"

"You'll have to come to our camp once you're done with him."

The group smirked, Kodi faultering in her step slightly, but she kept her head up.

"End of row G" One of them called out.

Kodi yet again kept walking, but she got pulled to a stop when she kept going and Colten stopped.

"Who do you all think you are talking to her like that?!" He said, spinning around as he let go of her arm.

"Colten-" she warned, but it was a smudge to late. One of them had one more comment and that sent Colten into a spiralling mode, throwing a fist right into one of the guys jaws. In the midst of trying to yell at Colten to stop, Kodi had failed to see one of the men come up behind her, sneaking an arm around her lower waist.

"Wanna come back with me?" The bloke said into her ear, reaking of BO and alchohol.

"C-Colten!" She yelled, struggling to get outta the blokes hold because of how tight he gripped onto her.

Hearing her yell his name, he instantly left the blokes two buddies, grabbing Kodi's shoulder before he sent a harsh shove at the Brunette who had her, which considering he was drunk as ever was pretty easy. 

"Leave her the fuck alone!" He snapped, looking up when security came over. It didn't take to long before the blokes got taken away, the security guys making sure they were both ok before one of them gave Colten a telling off for getting into a fight.


"Are you ok?" She asked when they returned to camp, grabbing a cold can of coke for him to hold on his knuckles that were already brusing.

"I'm fine, the better question is are you ok?" He asked, trying to avoid her putting the cold can on his hands.

"Yes" She replied with a small smile, jumping up to sit on the edge of the tray, which made her be able to be face level with him to. 

"Oh shit, Colten they got your eye to-" She said, the light reflecting from the setting sun.

"No, No it's fine" He said, shaking his head as she fussed over that to, but Colten stayed quiet.

"Can i kiss you..?" He asked quietly, putting a hand on the tray next to her.

Kodi didn't even say a word as she leant in, her hand instantly going to his arm as they met in a kiss.

Kodi's stomach was erupting, it was her first kiss ever, and who was the guy, none other than her brothers best friend. It wasn't agressive, more it was just like they had both been waiting for ages for the day to come, which to them, they had. It had gone on for a while before they both pulled away for air, their foreheads resting together as they caught their breath.

"I bet you didn't expect your night to end like this" He said with a slight chuckle.

"Nope. Not at all." She said as she leaned back in.


Writing smut is not something I like doing at all, nor do i like reading it, so if yous are all thinking thats where it'll go then you're very wrong. But on another note! They've finally done something about their feelings!

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