Dance away the feeling

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A/n: Firstly I would like to thank you for wanting to read book, it will be short poems and I will try update every week. By the way, this is the first ever poem I have ever wrote. I have got mixed feeling about it, some parts work and others don't if you find any errors dont be scared to tell me. You can also give me advice if you want ! Love you lots x

Sat on the studio floor
Looking over the day
"Why does dance feel this way?"

The music starts,
The beats sink in,
I spin, I kick
My feelings flying movements,
My emotions flow too.

This is going to be my fate
I stare at the floor.
Mark evrything slowly
"It should just happen",
I said a bit too loudly

"Too fast", "too slow"
"Too soft", "too sharp"
It's all overwhelming,
Coming out of the dark.

The large stage I'm ment to use,
Not sure what rules to I'm ment to listen too.
Lights shining on my face,
Staring at the crowd.
My thoughts start to jumble.

What solo do I use?
Improv gets the better of me,
And it clicks like a fuse
How does everything disappear,
If I only tell yous?

219 words including the A/N and this x

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