why did I?

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My wrists are red
My eyes are stinging
My legs are shaking
Why did i do this to myself?
Why did you do this to me?

I stare at an unfamiliar reflection
My caked on make up smudged
Mascara running down my face
I remember only last year,
Nothing but skin care
I belived I was worth something.
What happened?

7 year old loving me, devastated,
if she saw me now
8 year old me? Who knows
10 year old me wouldn't be surprised,

I wonder how 15 will treat me.
It would be great to feel free,
Looking for the brighter side.
Where is it, im still searching

18 year old me,
How does it feel.
Away from the danger
Free from the anger
Oh, I wonder, do i still get asked
"Where are you tonight?"

How does it feel?
Are my wrists still red?
Do my eyes still sting?
Are my legs still shaking?
Why did I let them treat me that way?

I'm worth more than just fear and pain.
arent I?
Or is it all still the same?

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