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"I don't care." I snapped.

"Yes, you do." He let his signature smirk form on his lips.

"No, really."

"Yes, really." He persisted.

"God, you are so difficult!" I sighed.

"It's better than being easy! I don't want to be a man-slut." He replied with a straight face.

"A man-slut?" I frowned.

"Yeah...." He looked up at the perfect blue sky, "I have to go." Then he rose from the grass.

"What? Why?" I sat up, my frown digging even deeper into my forehead. "Why do you keep disappearing?"

"I...have to see someone." He brushed his jeans and held his hand out to me, gesturing me to get up.

"You are a man-slut, aren't you?" I smiled as I took his hand.

"I am NOT!" He sudddenly shouted, gripping onto my hand too tightly as he pulled me off the grass.

"Okay!" I squealed. I pulled my hand out of his with difficulty and begen rubbing it with my other hand in an attempt to ease some of the pain. 

"What's your problem?" I asked.

"Oh no. I'm so sorry! Are you OK?" HIs face suddenly moulded into a concerned teenager's face-previously being a freaked out man-slut's.

"Yeah, but seriously; is it your time of the month or something?" I laughed as we started out the park to his car.

He laughed and my stomach decided to be a gymnast-doing flips inside my stomach

"Something like that." He said ambiguously.

"Why won't you just say, Caleb?"

"Say what?" He looked ahead, jaw slightly clenched.

"You know what." I slowed my walking but he continued ahead of me.

"No, I dont. Enlighten me." His dead-pan humour spilt out his mouth.

"Ever since school started after summer, you've been acting" I jogged to get level with him again.

"Off? I don't have an expiry date, Savannah."

I sighed and we stopped at the road separating the park and his car. I took a step onto the clear road but Caleb was still standing on the pavement, staring at the blind corner on the left.

In a split second, he reached forward and grabbed my hand to pull me off the road then behind a huge tree, the braches like tendrils reaching out to hide us from view. He pressed my shoulder until my back was pushed up against the tree but he remained opposite me.

"Caleb, are you-"

He covered my mouth with his hand to silence the questions filling my head. He poked his head around the trunk of the tree to peer at the road. After a few seconds, a Lambourghini drove past harbouring a few loud teenagers and some rap blaring through the high quality speakers. Caleb hid behind the tree, my back still against the trunk and his hand still covering my mouth.

He glanced at me but then stiffened when the shouted stopped and the music was paused. His eyes darted around the park, obviously looking for an escape route.

Suddenly, a voice broke the silence; "He's here!"

Cheers were thrown into the air and the group of teenagers began to spread out, looking for their victim.

Then it dawned on me. They were looking for Caleb. But what had he done? What had he done to these  people?

Caleb removed his hand from my mouth and I stayed silent. Another shout was heard; "He's over there!"

My fears were proven right when the teenagers started to shout Caleb's name. But somehow, they thought he was on the other side of the park and started running in the opposite direction of us. I breathed a sigh of relief, but before my breath completely left my lungs, Caleb muttered;

"C'mon." He took my hand and gestured to the woods beginning to the left of us.

My whole body felt stiff with fear but I managed run into the woods, letting Caleb lead the way. He was silent, springing through the dense woods which no-one else visited.

But then there was me; I stepped on every branch, tripped on every rock and scratched myself on every thorne. My heart beat sped with every moment and my mind raced with questions. Everything happened under a minute so I had no time to think. I instinctively let Caleb lead me into the woods but never considered I shouldn't.

Maybe those teenagers were trying to get revenge from something Caleb did. I know he has a mischevious streak, but that just meant pranks and detention for the boy at the top fo the year. Yes, Caleb is a genius.

But he always said he wanted to liberate himself. I haven't been here all summer; what if he really changed?

After a few more minutes of running, we finally came out the woods and met the road.

"Caleb!" I hissed, panting. He, on the other hand, had not even broken a sweat.


"What?What? Seriously? What just happened back-"

"Savannah, I need to tell you something." He cut me off. "Something happened whilst you were away."

I was silent to allow him to continue.

"I....I don't know how to say this. I'm scared you'll hate me." His voice broke with emotion. I was in shock. He had never showed this much emotion in such a short amount of time. Or at all.

"I won't." I re-gained my breath and set my hands on my hips.

He sighed and rolled up his left sleeve, revealing his wrist. On it was a single thin lightning bolt in a perfect cirlce.

"You got a tattoo?" I asked, relieved.

"No, Savannah. It's the mark of my pack."


Well, that's chapter 1! I hope you enjoyed it!

Let me know below :D


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