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Set in the same universe as Florescene! Can be read as a standalone though. (Not me making this fic twice as long the bachisagi one)


Little Reo's soulmate was dead . . .

Or they will be.

The concept of soulmates had long been ripped out of the pages of his dictionary. There was no such thing—a idiotic myth that society had conjured in the hopes of finding "the one" for them. A Mikage had no time to waste on such fantastical nonsense. His parents made sure to drill it into him.

The dead, withered flowers wrapped limply around his parents' wrists were a constant reminder of the fate his soulmate would one day face. Perhaps, it was at that realization that Little Reo decided to hide the little sprout growing from his right wrist. Not a single soul must know.

He was found out soon enough, though. Fortunately for him, Ba-ya was the one to discover his secret. The woman swore secrecy, much to Little Reo's relief. Unlike his parents', the flowers emerging from her wrist were thriving, with buds in full bloom. They were beautiful. It was a shame that she had to cover them up.

How come I can't love my soulmate? Reo questioned but never voiced. If Ba-ya could have such beautiful flowers, why couldn't he also have them? Ba-ya, despite his employers' orders, taught Reo all about how the little bud on his wrist would eventually blossom into a flower and the person—Little Reo's soulmate—linked to it and the young master.

"This, young master Reo–" Ba-ya pointed to the little sprout on Little Reo's right wrist, "–is connected to you and your soulmate." The little boy tilted his head. "Connected how?" He asked, his eyes blooming with great eagerness.

Ba-ya smiled, her expression fond, as she continued, "Whatever state your soulmate is in, this will reflect it. For example, if it's bouncy, your soulmate is happy. If it's droopy, they're sad."

"That's why you should try and take care of this little sprout as best you can. Whatever is done to it, your soulmate will also feel it." Reo looked at his wrist, hugging it close to his chest, as Ba-ya placed a hand atop his head.

"One day, it will blossom into a beautiful flower," she said.

Reo stared up at the woman with his mouth slightly agape, his eyes filled with stars. "Like yours?" Ba-ya nodded, and Reo grinned wider than he had ever before. A wondrous resolve filled Reo; it was like his eyes were opened to a newfound treasure.

However, there was a dread lingering in the back of his mind. Would it really be so foolish of him to dream? Not that it mattered.

His wishful dream of a soulmate was shattered the moment his mother walked in on him playing with the little sprout on his wrist. A shriek, followed by furious shouts, and the resonating sound of a slap echoed from the Mikage residence. "What do you think you're doing, Reo?!" His mother yelled, demanding a reason for the apparent betrayal of trust he had done.

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