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Author's POV          4 year later

Freen: it's been 4 years since Becky had left because of my own stupidity, she promised to call or texted me everyday but she never did, Mr Harris won't tell me which school she's currently going to because according to him, 'she needs some time'. Today was supposed to be a Graduation day for the people Of Chonburi University that means If Becky continued studying here she would've graduated today,

But I'm not sure when her graduation is.  Richie took over the family Business after Becky left, he told me that Becky wants to chase her own dreams to work at the hospital.

Becky: It's been 4 years since I last saw my Wife, I have to admit I do miss her but I don't know when I will actually be home, Today Is my Friends graduation and I know I can't be there personally, I've brought them flowers and lots of gifts which is in the post to send of to them, according to Irin they will do to her house to celebrate So I shipped the packages all to her house with each one of their names on the packages.

Becky's POV

I'm at the mall with my old friends and new friends that I made in uni  and I am currently staying at our Family penthouse

My friends are; Billy,Sydney, Jordon and my new friends are: Daniel and Alice.

"Hey Can we go get something to eat? I'm starving." Jordan exclaimed while rubbing his stomach, and we all nodded in agreement, we went to our favourite restaurant and ordered,

But this waitress is just so Annoying she keeps on touching and flirting with me, I clearly told her, "excuse me Miss but can you not do that? I'm taken."

"Hmm I don't see them?" The audacity,

"Listen miss Hands off our Friend or we will call our manager and get your sorry ass Fired." Sid warned her in a stern tone while everyone stared at her with serious eyes which did made her scared and ran off,

I busted out laughing and everyone joined "man, Her face was priceless." Daniel said while holding his stomach.

"Hey Beck by the way you need to bring us to Thailand soon, we can all stay at my family place." Billy said as they all look at me,

I mean We did graduate yesterday and I applied for an internship at the hospital near my home so technically his idea would work, Billy Is from Thailand But he moved here when he was younger, and I decided to be a surgeon as they make a lot of money.

"Sure How about we book a flight for tomorrow?" I asked them and they all nodded

While waiting for the food we looked up some flights and manage to find one that leaves tomorrow noon and there's also 12 tickets available which was very fortunate,

"Omg Beck Which Mean we could celebrate your Birthday there this year!" Alice got all excited.

The next day

We are now on the plane heading off to Thailand everyone was so excited and so was I to be honest I really do miss that place, I mean It's been 4 years since I've been there,

And maybe I'm also happy that I get to see her again,

Anyways the seating are

Me  Sydney  Alice

And behind us are

Daniel Jordan Billy

We chatted and watch movies for 8 hours straight and fell asleep for the last 4 hours,

Once we arrived everyone was so eager to get out,

We got a rental Car and I drove to my house because I'm the only one apart from Billy who has a Thai driver's license but Billy needed to observe the roots and roads and streets,

Once we arrived at my house me and Billy got out the car and  he took the wheels instead,

"Wow Becky your house is huge!" Daniel exclaimed and I just chuckled,

"Anyways take care Beck we'll see you probably tomorrow." Billy spoke

"Yeah I think we need to recover from our jet lag first." I lightly punched his arms,

I rang the doorbell and I heard Freen shouting  "Coming!"
She opened the door and was suprised to see me  "Beck."

" *cough* anyways Becky We'll see you tomorrow bye." Billy waved at me and I waved back as he drove off,

"I missed you soo so so much." She shouted and pulled me into an embrace

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