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Becky's POV

Lesson with Mr Pintion is finished and he kept asking me about Freen. He also said "Whoever goes into Miss Chankimha's Office Are never their for good."

Now that we had 10 min Break then, It was time for gym.

We we're getting changed when Miss Chankimha walked in.

"Good afternoon class, don't worry I'm not taking over Mr Ratchanon's Class but I will be watching so make sure you try your best." she said it all with a blank expression. Honestly sometimes I wonder how she does it.

Afterwards we headed of to the Gym. Before I left I whispered something in her ears.

"Do stare to much, you might melt." I chuckled as I saw how her face reddened.

Gym time and today we are doing Basketball great.

"Good afternoon class today we will do basketball now I need 2 team captains, Miss Armstrong why don't you be a captain for the red team." I stepped forward. " And Miss Urassaya Please be the captain for the blue team, yeah I know Sad ain't it having to go against your own friend." God I don't know what's the deal with this teacher .

The game started and I managed to dodged the opponents I passed it to one of my teammates as they past back to me and I SHOOT! AND I SCORE!!!! After a couple more rounds the score was 3-1 to my team.
And we get to have a little break because to be honest that was tiring.

I saw Freen sitting by the bench where my bottle was she handed it to me along with a towel and I just took both and thanked her.

Before I left to get change I told her that I will be home a bit later because my friends are dragging me somewhere.

After gym it was time for lunch.

I was sitting down next to my friends when someone spoke from behind me.

"May I sit here with you three trouble makers." It was Freen.

"Who are you calling trouble makers? and sure you can sit here I guess." I replied

"Well let see, you three were talking so much in my class and you almost got into a fight on your first day, so what else?"
She said as she pointed to me

But what she did next got me in total suprised.

She grabbed my thighs and started massaging it.

I tried to ignore it and we all just talked until a voice came from behind.

"Sorry I'm late hope you guys weren't waiting to long."

"Of course not Sit sit ." I hugged her as she sat down "But you better have a good reason."

" yeah I had to go to my music teacher you know how nosy he is." I just noded

" Oh uhhh Friend this is Miss Chankimha our English teacher." I said awkwardly

" Hi Torfan Taweema but People calls me Friend. She said with a smile. Honestly Friend is like the sweetest girl I know, anyone would be lucky to have her.

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