VIII | The Three Entrees

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The blue team selected Isaac to sit out for the entrees test. Why, Sage didn't know. They were at the other side of the room, away from earshot.

Perhaps the teammates were still miffed at him for being ten minutes late to the dining room?

Either way, they picked Isaac. The short lanky man did not look happy, he just huffed and crossed his arms over his chest as chef Scott gestured for him to step away and stand next to him.

Amanda, as well watched before clapping her hands, redirecting the contestants back to her. "Alright, team! We need to decide on the order of our teammates. I think I should go first."

Ella's eyes immediately snapped over to the blue-haired girl, eyebrows furrowing as she scoffed. "Why do you get to go first?"

"Because I called first dibs, that's why."

Sage crossed her arms over her chest, eyebrows furrowing as she half listened to them argue. Right now, she wanted to kick herself for her lack of attention she paid to her notes.

She could barely remember anything past the beef Wellington section. She didn't know how she was going to be able to contribute to this challenge without messing it up for her other teammates.

Sage was snapped from her thoughts as Amanda clapped her hands, her voice raising in pitch to gather the attention of her teammates. "Alright! So, the order will be me, Ella, Cheryl, Sage, and Sandy! Are we all in agreement?" She asked, and Ella scoffed as she rolled her eyes. "I guess. I still don't see why you have to be first, Amanda."

The blue-haired girl only rolled her eyes. "Besides calling first dibs, we all agreed I'm the most organized. Weren't you paying attention? I kept us all organized in the kitchen during our first dinner service." She replied, and Sage remained quiet as she listened to the two girls argue over their battle of wits.

She couldn't side with anybody. Sage wasn't in the kitchen during their first dinner service. Sandy, as well, chose to bow out of their argument as she moved over so she was standing next to Sage. "I'm so nervous," she whispered as she tilted her head down to look at the shorter girl, "I didn't study those notes at all."

"I didn't either," Cheryl confessed, who had also moved over to join in on their little side conversation while Amanda and Ella continued to argue, "I was so tired last night I fell asleep before I could go over our notes. How can chef expect us to memorize dozens of recipes while running on a half an hour of sleep?" She asked.

Sage just listened to them talk, keeping her thoughts to herself. This was Hell's Kitchen, a competition ran by Gordon Ramsay, of course it was going to be extremely difficult. How could these girls be so ill-prepared? Hell, Sage hadn't watched much of season one for Hell's Kitchen, but even she was aware the British chef was going to run this competition with an iron fist.

She bit down on her tongue though, keeping her thoughts to herself as MaryAnn clapped her hands together. "Girls, that's enough chatter. The test is about to start, come over here quickly please." She gave them a firm look, causing Amanda and Ella to pause in their arguing as the red team made their way over to MaryAnn's side.

Sage clasped her hands behind her back as she watched the blue team shuffle into place next to Scott's side as well, it was quite noticeable how Isaac continued to give his team the side eye as Gordon waited for the contestants to fall into place before he rose his eyebrows. "Now that we have our positions sorted, I would like the first person from each team in the kitchen. Move."

That was Amanda's cue. The girl took a deep breath as she straightened her posture, and her eyes met Sage's for just a moment as she walked past her and into the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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