| 6 | Sunlight ☀︎︎

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I can't lie, I was kinda scared by all the random things popping up, tulips on my doorstep, things appearing in my house, things being moved that I don't remember moving. It's unnerving at the least, I've tried brushing it off as odd occurrences, but deep down I know It's more than that.

"I'm starting to think you're being haunted Marci," Lottie says as we arrange flowers for a client's wedding. "No definitely not, it's not a ghost," I say as I swallow the lump in my throat. she could be right but I stop that thought before it eats at me. "Okay okay, no ghost. But it's been almost a month and these things keep happening. Call the cops" she suggests, I can't say I haven't tried or haven't heavily considered it. "I tried, but they don't do anything about it" she scoffs and rolls her eyes, she turns to me and stops what she's doing "Marci, please promise me if it gets bad you'll come stay with me" she urges, It's not that I don't want to, I just don't want to let anything keep me from living. Whether it's a ghost or a person I can't just give in. "I promise Lottie" I lie, I hate lying to my best friend, but, I have to.

After my shift I walk home, it's late again so I try to go straight to bed, after getting ready and sliding under my warm fluffy comforter I drift to sleep.

I wake up in the middle of the night and turn over and my heart drops into my stomach and all the air from my lungs is gone. There's a tall shadowy figure standing in the corner of my room, i've never seen this figure before. I want to jump up and run out of the room, or turn the light on or scream, do something. But I can't. My body is frozen and I couldn't move even though I want to so bad.

I shut my eyes tight, as tight as I can. I want it to go away, I want this feeling to go away. I want It to go away.

After what felt like an eternity I open my eyes, there's nothing. The figure is gone. A sense of relief washes over me and I try to fall back asleep, after awhile I do.

"What the fuck Marci!?" Lottie scolds me for not getting up and calling her last night, "It was fine, I was probably just imagining it" I say as I hand her a glass of wine and sit down on the couch next to her. We try to get together once a week at my house to drink wine and eat snacks and watch a show, it's usually The vampire diaries. "That isn't nothing, I swear you're being haunted" she says as she sips her wine, "I am not haunted, I would see weird stuff all the time as a kid" I say as I put my feet up on the coffee table and turn on the tv. "Marci! that is not an excuse! these things are not normal" She says as I roll my eyes.

After we get tipsy off wine and giggle about how hot the characters are we fall asleep on the couch, I don't know what time it was but after awhile I wake up and groggily stand up and walk into the kitchen to grab a cup of water. I stand there and sip my water when all of a sudden a chill runs down my spine, causing goosebumps to cover my skin. Eyes, there's eyes on me. I don't know from where or who but I know it's not Lottie because I can hear her snoring in the living room. I'm facing the fridge which means my back is to the rest of the open planned kitchen, My heart is racing and I feel like it's going to explode. I want to turn around but I'm scared of what I'll see, I try to take deep breaths but with every inhale it feels like I'm being suffocated by my own breath. I pinch my eyes closed, tight, I open my eyes slowly and set the cup down in the sink before slowly turning around..

Nothing, no one is standing behind me, no one is looking at me. Not a sound has been made. Absolutely nothing. I let out a small sigh of relief, This is getting out of hand I mutter to myself when I start walking back into the living room. Right before I sit back down I hear a noise come from my room, I freeze, every muscle in my body tenses up and I feel like all the air has been sucked from my lungs. I gulp and stand there in complete terror, I don't know how long I've been standing here, it feels like hours go by. there's no other sounds but the quiet hum of the fridge and the low volume of the show we were watching.

I muster up the courage to walk to my bedroom, I left the door closed and as I walk down the hallway I see that the door is halfway opened and the lamp has been turned off. Maybe i do have a ghost I think to myself as I slowly tiptoe to the door. I close my eyes briefly and take a deep inhale, then exhale. I slowly push the door open and peak inside, again, nothing. I let out a sigh of relief and my body instantly relaxes. I walk back into the living room and lay down on the couch again and drift back to sleep, I probably won't tell Lottie that this happened because if she finds out that something happened while she was here she'd kill me.

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