Ailments and Affections

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The steady sound of rain tapping against the window echoed the rhythm of Sherlock's shallow breaths as he lay bundled in blankets on the sofa. A cold had taken hold of the detective, leaving him in a state of uncharacteristic vulnerability. John, ever the doctor, moved about the room with a determined air, preparing a concoction of hot tea and arranging a tray of remedies.

"Sherlock, you're not invincible, you know," John remarked with a teasing smile, trying to mask the concern etched in his features.

Sherlock, his usual sharpness dulled by illness, managed a weak smirk. "Merely a temporary setback, John. The world can't function without me for long."

John chuckled, placing the tray on the coffee table. "Well, while the world manages without consulting its consulting detective, let me take care of you."

The flickering fire cast a gentle warmth over the room as John settled on the edge of the sofa, cradling a cup of tea. He held it to Sherlock's lips, watching as the detective sipped the warm liquid.

"You're surprisingly good at this," Sherlock admitted, his voice hoarse but appreciative.

"I have had plenty of practice," John replied with a smirk. "Remember, flatmates take care of each other."

Sherlock's gaze softened, and he reached for John's hand. "Not just flatmates, John."

The admission hung in the air, a quiet acknowledgment of the unspoken bond that had grown between them. John squeezed Sherlock's hand, a silent reassurance that spoke volumes.

As the rain continued its lullaby, John wrapped a blanket around Sherlock, cocooning him in warmth. The flickering flames danced in John's eyes as he leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on Sherlock's forehead.

"I'll be back with some soup," John promised, rising from the sofa.

Sherlock caught John's hand before he could retreat too far. "Stay," he murmured, a vulnerability shining through his usually composed exterior.

John's heart skipped a beat. He settled back onto the sofa, the gap between them closing. Sherlock's feverish eyes met John's, and in that moment, the world outside ceased to exist.

They sat in companionable silence, the rain outside a mere backdrop to the symphony of their shared breaths. John's fingers traced patterns on the back of Sherlock's hand, a silent reassurance that he wasn't alone.

As the rainstorm outside began to wane, the warmth of the fire and the tenderness between them remained. In the quietude of that shared space, John and Sherlock discovered a new dimension to their connection-one forged in vulnerability, nurtured by care, and sealed with a kiss that spoke volumes of unspoken affections.

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