Let me out

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Kairi banged on the guest room door for an hour until her hands were bruised.

No one came, no matter how loud she screamed. The boys would be at school and Gakuhou was who knew where.

She curled up into a ball on the floor, her back against the door.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" she whispered, holding herself closer.

Was this really what Karma meant by 'timeout'? Her husband was locking their sons up in their rooms for who knew how long?

Her stomach twisted when she remembered the times Karma had tried to tell her how he didn't like timeout and that he was scared.

She had heard of kids getting locked in their rooms before, but that was back when she was a kid and her parents hadn't done that; though they hadn't been around much to do much anything...

Either way, even if it wasn't uncommon, she'd never lock the boys up, but apparently, Gakuhou had no problem with it. Not even locking up his own wife.

"Fucking bastard," she swore under her breath, hitting the door. "Just where does he get off thinking he can keep me locked up like a... Damn it!" She hit the door again and screamed. "Let me out! LET ME OUT!" Her eyes stung, blurring with tears. "...Just let me out."

She closed her eyes, the room feeling too small as she pressed her head against the door. Her body felt heavy and weighed down, while her stomach grumbled from hunger.

Before she knew it, she'd fallen asleep.


Her mind was pulled into a deep sleep that resurfaced memories she still clung to.

She'd clung to Gakuhou when they became intimate, bathing in his attention and affection like she was starved of it. He'd hold her at night so gently like he was afraid of squeezing her too tight. His hands had combed through her hair, kissing her cheek.

Those same hands made her recoil when she felt him stroking her hair back.

Kairi woke with a start, jerking back from his touch and hitting the bed's headboard; she'd been moved from the floor to the bed when she was asleep. It was darker outside as well, the sun setting.

"Ah, you're awake." Gakuhou was sitting on the edge of the bed, a polite smile on his face like it was just a normal day and he hadn't locked her in this room for hours on end. "I had a feeling you'd be hungry, so I brought you dinner and some more water, and even some wine." He gestured to the warm bowl of curry on the bedside table next to some water and a bottle of wine. "The boys are finishing off their homework."

Kairi just stared at him while he prattled on pleasantly. "You..." She bunched the covers up under her fingers, wanting to punch him. "You piece of—"

He grabbed her hand before she could hit him, staring back calmly. "I was hoping you would have had time to calm down by now, but it seems you still need more time."

"Let me go!" She screamed, trying to wrench her wrist free. "You piece of shit!"

He sighed, barely phased. "I already called the office and let them know you're not feeling your best," he told her dismissively. "Dr Fujita has also given some advice on handling your mental health—"

"My mental health is fine!" she screamed at him.

"Evidence contradicts that." He easily kept her an arm's length away, unphased. "I think you should rest." He stood up, pushing her back. "I need to go check on the boys."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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