He was just confused

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Going to the museum as a family had been her idea since she wouldn't be around for Karma's eighth and Gakushuu's ninth Birthday. There was a meeting in Hong Kong and if they didn't go before New Year then they'd be fucked.

Another work emergency that seemed more and more common.

(The boys hated her. Why wouldn't they hate her?)

Kairi pinched her arm to smack the thought from her head; her mom told her pinching helped when she'd get negative impulsive thoughts like that. It helped keep your mind grounded or whatever...

"Did you pack the boys' lunch?" She asked her husband while applying her lipstick. "Gakuhou?" She put her lipstick in her bag, then looked over her shoulder and frowned when she saw Gakuhou staring at his phone. "What is it?"

"I've already packed their lunches." He didn't look up from his phone, a strange look on his face like he was irritated by something.

"Right." She watched him suspiciously, approaching him. "Is something wrong at the school?

"No." He locked his phone and slipped it into her pocket before she could see. "Just some delays with the science wing renovations."

"Oh, right." Her brow furrowed, not convinced.

There was a thud of footsteps as Gakushuu came down. "I'm ready!"

"Then grab your coat." Gakuhou went to the fridge and got out two lunch boxes.

Kairi glanced at him briefly as he left the kitchen and then grabbed her bag off the counter. "Karma, are you ready?"

Her youngest didn't reply which was typical since you had to yell his name at least three times before you got his attention.

She headed into the hallway. "Karma!" Still no answer. "Oh, come on." She sighed and checked her watch. "What is taking that boy so long?"

"Karma!" Gakuhou's voice thundered too loud, making her wince. "Hurry up, or we'll be late."

She grimaced, looking over her shoulder where he was standing by the bottom of the stairs fastening one of those new GPS watches on Gakushuu's wrist. "Can you not shout? My ears are bleeding."

His lips thinned, fiddling with the watch. "Well, I wouldn't have to shout if Karma actually listened for once."

"I already told him to hurry up," Gakushuu said, frowning. "But he was still taking ages."

Kairi sighed, grabbing her handbag from off the hook. "Well, maybe he's just using the bathroom?"

Her husband's face was pinched, heading upstairs. "Karma!"

Kairi sighed and tried to let it slide since today was supposed to be a nice day, where they'd all be happy and act like a real family.

"Sweetie, come put your shoes on," she called her eldest over.

Gakushuu stopped tugging on the strange tracker on his wrist and came over. "Can we bring the camera to take pictures?" he asked, sitting down on the step where the shoes were all neatly lined up. "We're studying lots of history in class so it's important to research."

"Of course, it is." Kairi smiled in amusement, taking the camera out of her bag. " Here, you can take all the pictures you want." She slipped the camera case around his neck. "Just don't lose it."

"I won't." He nodded, holding the camera close to his chest as he slipped his trainers on, face still solemn.

She smiled and bent down to tie his shoelaces. "Hey, let me—"

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