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Hello there, welcome to my fanfic!!!

So something that I've realised recently is that there are a few love triangle fanfics between Ash, Goh and Serena, but they have never included Firstfriendshipping in them at all (as in I've read all of them and didn't find what I was actually looking for)

So yeah, I'm making this now. But please be aware that I am not doing Goh x Serena here, if you want that then go to one of the other fanfics. This fanfic is just about the rivalry bewteen Serena and Goh as they compete for the love of Ash.

Also keep in mind that I am a Firstfriendshipper and have never written anything that contains Amourshipping so sorry if this doesn't fully satisfy you, I will try my hardest to make both ships as even with each other here.

Toxic and Homophobic comments will be deleted so... it's best if you just don't say anything offensive here unless I can tell you are joking and it won't offend others (including myself)

Also no ship bashing or saying one ship is better than the other in the comments please. Just except that both Amourshipping and Firstfriendshipping are both going to be here.

So yeah, see you all in the next chapter!!!

For The Love of The Champion (Serena x Ash x Goh)Where stories live. Discover now