Chapter 6: Things Are About To Get Awkward...

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Serena's POV

I woke up and looked around. I still hadn't got used to the fact I was living here now, with Ash!
...And Goh
I also realised that it was probably a weird sight for me to already be asleep when Ash and Goh finally came up. Who knows what embarrassing stuff I could have been doing at that point.
It turned out that the only other person awake in the room was Goh. He was scrolling on his Rotom Phone until he saw me and his eyes widened.
"Hey!" He said, waving.
"Hi!" I replied, waving back at him.
I looked down and even though we had been talking, Ash still hadn't woken up.
"Does her normally oversleep like this?" I asked in a whisper loud enough for him to hear.
"Yeah, wasn't he like that for you?" Goh replied, his face looking puzzled.
That made me think because back when I travelled with him, he never ever overslept like this. In fact, ge would normally be the first one up because him and Pikachu would be so energetic about training or heading to the next gym.
I shook my head.
"Wow!" Goh replied with his gaw dropped.
Just then, there was a knock on the door. Goh looked too cozy in his bed and I knew very well who was on the other side so I hopped out of my singular bed and opened the door.
Waiting there was Chloe.
"Hi Chloe!" I said, waving with my cheeks rosy red because of how happy I was to see her.
"Hi Serena, is Ash and Goh up?" She waved back and asked.
"Goh is, Ash..." I said and then turned but he still wasn't awake, "Isn't..."
"Okay then!" Chloe said.
She entered the room and matched over to the bunk beds the two boys were on. The jet black haired boy looked really alarmed while I was just full of confusion.
It was then that Chloe arrived in front of sleeping Ash. She leaned forward which angered me because I didn't want her kissing him, but instead she slapped him on the face.
"AHHHHHHH!" Ash screamed, Pikachu doing the same.
The two then rolled out of bed and I saw Chloe smirk a little.
I felt my blood boil with rage. HOW DARE SHE DO THAT TO MY ASH!!! I couldn't believe it.
"Anyway, let's go now!" Chloe said, holding her hand out to me and smiled.
"Okay," I mumbled bitterly and just walked off without taking her hand.
I got dressed and then waited downstairs until the others were ready. While I was down there though, I couldn't help but think about Chloe.
She is very pretty but surely I can't be attracted to her! She's a girl and I'm a girl! Plus, I'm angry with her now and only want Ash!
The three then walked downstairs. Ash and Goh were skipping down with their arms linked while Chloe just slumped down. She looked really upset...
"I'll go and tell my dad that we are heading out now..." She mumbled and went to the next room.
Once she was gone, I turned to Ash and Goh.
"Where are we going? And since when is Chloe coming with us?" I asked.
"It's the weekend so she offered to come with us!" Goh explained.
"And we're going to the Isle of Armour!" Ash exclaimed.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu cried, nuzzling into Ash's neck, which made him giggle.
Normally I would get all flustered about how cute that scene was, but I didn't. If Chloe was coming with us, things are about to get awkward...

For The Love of The Champion (Serena x Ash x Goh)Where stories live. Discover now