The notebook

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I was relived when I saw the cafe, it was really empty but I could see that it was open. It also stood a bar inside on the cafe, I guessed it was a cafe and a bar in the same place. I took a step inside and saw a man working In the counter.

"A caramel coffee please" I smiled.

"With milk?" He asked while
Looking down at the cashier.

"Yes thank you." I sat down on the bar stool while he turned around to make it.

It was so calm here, I thought I'd ask for the Job after I was done drinking the coffee, I didn't want to seem annoying.

I looked over to the other side of the road, It was empty but two tall men were walking down the sidewalk, one of them had a cigarette in his hand and the other one had a cigarette in his mouth, I didn't know why I only thought about that. They were darkly dressed so it was hard to see their faces but one of them turned his head.

But suddenly I heard the click of the porcelain coffee mug hit the table making me turn around.
"Here you go ma'am" the guy said, putting the coffee down and walking away.

I nodded while smiling awkwardly.

I guess I was just being paranoid.

I quickly drank the hot coffee, feeling it go down my throat. Feeling warm.
I had my notebook with me, I opened it and started to look through the pages, finding an empty one. I grabbed my pen and started to write a few words, like the date and such. I then started to sketch a bit, my dream was to paint but I never got a chance to show it or get a job out of it. And I knew it was impossible in a town like this, so I had given up a long time ago, but I still liked to draw to myself.

I quickly finished drinking my coffee so I sat up and held the mug, I walked over to the counter and sat down the mug. I put the cash that i owed them on the counter aswell.
"Are you guys hiring?" I asked, leaning over the counter.

He turned around, looked at me and shook his head with a frown. Fuck I thought, I desperately needed a job.

I looked down, thinking, but hearing slow heavy footsteps behind me. I was going to turn around when I felt a cold hand touch my shoulder. I flinched a bit, but turned around and I saw him.

He was a lot taller than me, and bigger. His arm touching my shoulder was weird in a way. I looked up, his eyes were dark, almost black. As well as his hair, it was black with cornrows filling down his neck and resting on his shoulder. His jaw was sharp like his eyes. I was so fixated on his eyes, they were intense like the eyes I had seen before. He was wearing a white tshirt, a black sweater over. I looked down, baggy grey jeans that one hand was leaning on. He had a white bandana under his sunglasses on his head.

"I'm hiring." Was all he said, but still smiling with his lip ring.

He put his arm away from me.

"Sorry, I'm Tom and this is my brother Bill." He said, leaning over so I could see the taller man behind him.

Bill was the man behind him, his hair was also dark and black, it was short but spikey. He was leaning against the wall a bit, giving me a slight smile. His face structure was very sharp and intense, his eyes were a medium brown but he had black makeup around his eyes. His clothes was different from his brothers, his jeans were tighter but still baggy, with a black shirt but a leathered jacket covering it. His hands were covered with tattoos, rings and leathered gloves. He was wearing heavy jewellery's on his neck. His eyebrows slightly raised with a piercing and one in his nose.

I looked back at Tom, I didn't really know what to say.

"Eselin.. Eselin Raith." I said, i put out my hand.

He did as well and he shook mine. He was strong, I could tell how he gripped on my hand and shook it, I couldn't explain it.

He let go and looked over at the bar table, he grabbed onto my notebook and looked at the sketch I had drawn.

"Oh wait-" I let out but he stopped me.

"Thats talent." He said, still holding onto the notebook. His eyes widened while pressing it with both his hands. It was like he couldn't let go.

"Oh thank you, I don't really paint anymore though." I smiled awkwardly.

He snapped and slowly looked up at me again.

"You should paint for me, Eselin." He said calmly. The way he said my name made me feel some sort of feeling.

It was like a miracle, the job I really needed was right in front of me, waiting for me to take the chance. I could paint like I've always wanted.

"I'll pay you good money for this kind of art." He said, having his arms together, looking at me intensively.

I smiled, I was really flattered. I was not too sure though.

"Call me when you've made up your mind," he said, having the pen in his hand, writing down a number on the corner of the notebook. He slowly gave me the notebook back.

"But just so you know, im not a patient man." He grinned, let go of the notebook and turned around as well as his brother.

They walked away like nothing at all had happen. They walked with such confidence. Like they owned the whole town.

I held the notebook tightly, knowing I had a big opportunity ahead of me, maybe even a dream come true. Maybe even too good to be true, but what had I got to loose.


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