Mind playing

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Cold hands gripping the back of my head, I didn't expect this day to go any worse. I had pain through my whole body. My ankles aching from his hit of a bat. My neck and head was throbbing, I hadn't been treated this badly before.

I saw Tom standing in front of me and a gun in the back of my head, swallowing harshly, I was scared, I couldn't hide that. But I have had a gun pointed at me before.

He holds my hair tightly with his hand, he seemed to be bigger and older than Tom, which made it seem like he was worse. But what did he want. Obviously Tom knew he was coming.

I hear the man taking a step back. "She's a lovely one, ain't she." The man said with a low Dutch accent.

"Stop it." I murmured low, I was afraid, but I didn't want this man to talk to me that way, I knew he wanted to harm me for the way he held me.

He laughed behind me. "And feisty." He said. Tom looked down at me and then up at him, why didn't he say something?

"Maybe I'll just keep her." He said, making me cringe at what he said.

I wanted to knock him out, but I knew I was not able to.

Tom walked closer, "where's your friend then?" He said, standing in front of me but looking up at the man from behind me.

I could hear a slight laugh and then then other footsteps forming behind me, what the fuck?

Another unfamiliar steps coming closer. A new voice i hadn't heard before. "We meet again," he said, he sounded older, maybe in his thirties.

I looked up at Tom, confused. I wanted to communicate with him somehow, but he just looked at them both, smiling. I couldn't figure out if they were friendly or the complete opposite, obviously the opposite since I had a gun pointed at the back of my head.

"I know what you want," Tom said, having his arms crossed.

The man roamed his hands down my shoulder, making me shiver. Almost jumping, making his grip tight around my shoulder. "She's listening, not like the others." The man behind me had said. I felt disgusted.

Tom was quiet. "She'll be fun." He said, looking down at me, his face getting cold. "She's inexperienced." He said low.

My heart dropped. My eyes widening in fear. What was going on? I started to freak. Shaking my body. "What?" I squealed.

Tom grabbed my thigh roughly. Looking up at the man. "She's only eighteen." Tom said, tightening his grip on my thigh, wanting me to be still.

I could feel my mouth slightly drop, was he selling me or what the fuck was going on, this couldn't be happening.

I shook my head. My throat wobbly and eyes watery. Feeling the man grip my wrist. Tom slightly letting go, it hurt.

"Please, stop" I whined, shaking my head, feeling my throat closing up.

I looked up at Tom, I wanted him to feel some sort of pity for me, something, anything. I was almost begging.

I know that they could probably treat me a hundred times worse than this, at least what it seemed like. I didn't want to end up being raped and used as nothing but an animal for the rest of my life, I didn't want my life to end up like this, I wasn't ready to die.

My legs shaking as the man roamed his hands around my wrist harshly, I gasped as I felt my eyes water. "I can't—" I mumbled. "Please!" I cried.

My eyes looking down at the man's hand on my wrist, his cold hands touching my skin, making me want to vomit. Feeling like ripping my skin open, even the slightest touch made me crumble.

The man dragged my arm up, "don't leave me like this—" I breathed. I was begging, for my life.

It wasn't fair.

Tom turned to face me, grabbing my chin roughly with his hand, making me quiet as I looked up at him. His eyes widening with a smile. "She'll be quiet, if you make her." He said as he let me go one final time.

Leaving me frozen, I felt betrayed, like someone had rippen away my only right, like I couldn't breathe anymore.

I breathed heavily as I felt a tear drop down my face while feeling getting slowly picked up from the ground, making me stand on my sore ankles. Realising I wouldn't be able to survive this in any way. Hearing the man's voice linger behind me. "We'll make an acception, Tom." The demon said, seeing as Tom looked at us, at me. He didn't look regretful in any way. Wondering how you could ever even be this cruel, how it was even possible.

"Yes," Tom replied low, nodding his head and standing still.

I felt as my restless body got dragged towards an old car, I could hear the men behind me talking to me, trying to make me react. But I couldn't, I was in shock.

I just silently cried as I felt them push me inside the backseat of old leathered seats, I looked out to see the moonlight shine, feeling as my freedom came to an end.

I looked out the window, seeing the man walk toward the front seat, watching as his evil smile grew, I knew that once the both of them sat inside, my life would be over. And I couldn't do anything about it, just because they had a gun.

The man walked to the door, his hand reaching for the handle. Suddenly, my ears ringing from a loud bullet with a swift motion, seeing the mans body fast collapsing to the floor with a loud shot. Watching as his body falls to the side of the car door, blood scraping the door as he falls. My body standing up quickly in startle. My mouth dropping when I see who's behind the gun, Tom, of course.

He stood there behind the gun, he had killed the man that he had promised to give away someone to. He had lured him, and me. Thinking that I was going to be sold to them. But he didn't, he had saved me, or had me.

That's when I knew, Tom could talk his way out of anything. His mind was so sickly played that he could trick anyone he wanted, I would be worse with him. He could fuck me up so badly, and I'm not ready for it.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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