Hands on your back

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I felt the sunlight hit my face, having my blanket rolled around my body. I got myself up and rubbed my eyes. I looked over at my watch and saw that it was already 1 pm, "fuck I slept in." I whispered to myself. I quickly ran to the bathroom and put on the shower, making hot water hit the ground.
I quickly undressed and stepped inside. I didn't have time to take a long shower, so I just washed my hair. Brushing my wavy hair with my fingers.
I washed everything out and was ready to step out. I put on a towel on my head and my body, I was now a little warmer.

I stepped out the bathroom, I was about to walk back to my room when I saw my notebook laying on my cupboard, the page was open with my sketch and his number.

I walked closer and looked at it, I thought for a while. I was unsure if I should call. I was hesitant but closed it. I then walked to my room and got dressed, put on my underwear, a cute white top and my normal low waisted jeans, I wanted to look a bit better today at least. I went to my desk and put on  a necklace, it was a silver necklace with just a small diamond on it, it was simple but I liked it. I dried my hair with the towel and let it rest behind my back. I put two clips on my bangs to make the hair stay.  I put some makeup on my face before I stood up.

I saw the notebook reflecting in the mirror. "Fuck it." I said and walked towards it, I put out my flip phone and slowly dialled his number. I pressed 'call' and I heard it go through with a few beeps.

I sat on my table, nervous.

I heard someone pick up, but it wasn't him exactly.

"Hello?" I heard a woman's voice.

I leaned my head towards the wall.

"Oh hi, is Tom there?" I asked, thinking I called the wrong number.

"Who's thi-" she got disturbed, I heard a few noises and scratches before I heard him.

"Eselin! Right?" He said, quite happy to hear me.

I laughed a bit before replying. "Yeah, I'm here." I replied.

"I think you should come to my workplace , to discuss the job and all, right?" He asked.

"Right but-" but he hung up. "Hello?" I asked, but he had hung up.

I stared down at my phone, thinking of what was about to happen. He didn't even ask for my address or anything. I went to my bedroom to unpack all my bags. I started to open my clothing suitcase and I put everything in the wardrobe. I saw my watch sitting in the bottom of the suitcase, I lifted it up. I put in my hands, I knew I had to be careful, it meant a lot to me. It was a bigger silver watch. I put it on my wrist and felt a bit safer. I sighted and put the suitcase under my bed. Stood up and was happy with the results on my wardrobe.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. I turned around in a fright. I had a feeling it was Tom, but he was so quick. I started to walk over to the door and slowly opened it. I was shocked to see him standing tall in front of me.

"There you are." He said, smiling.

"How did you-" I was disrupted again.

"Come on, we have work to do." He nodded his head, to make me walk out.

The door wasn't completely open and I stood there, a bit unsure.

He didn't seem to have a problem though, he just smiled with that lip piercing.

I did a slight sigh and walked out, I closed the door behind me. He stood there, waiting for me to walk before him. He slightly put a hand on my back when I started to walk. He let go once we started to walk down the stairs. I felt a bit watched when he walked behind me.

We walked outside the apartment and I now saw a car on the road, I realised that it was the same car I had seen yesterday, the car that had picked someone up, the person who looked so intensively into my eyes. I stood still, looking up at Tom and now recognised his eyes. It was the same car and person. That's why I was so drawn to him, I thought.

He put his hand on my back again, to follow me to his car. I opened the front door and sat inside while I saw him walk over to the other side of the car. I had my arms crossed. Feeling the wind from the slightly open window hit my face.
Tom put the keys inside the car and the motor made that loud noise. The car was really fancy and clean, it looked even brand new. The windows were also tinted, so It was hard to see from the outside. The car seats were red but everything else was black. I guessed it was some sort of racing car. Before I knew it, he drove away in an instant, drove somewhere outside of the town, somewhere I didn't recognise. He drove through many small roads and I felt unsure. "Where will you take me?" I asked a bit uncomfy.
"My home, actually." He said. Turning his head a bit to me, seeing him smile again and having his sunglasses on his eyes. He looked out the window again.

His home? It did make sense tho, he only wanted me to paint for him. But it still freaked me out a bit. I looked out the window, now seeing him race up a bit, we were now in a Forrest. It was quite beautiful. But we drove for a pretty long time. It freaked me how long we had drove, I could just imagine how far we were from the town.


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