Chapter 21 // Shakira

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July 20 : 107 days till due

"And don't freak out, we'll be right here if you need us."

Harper - probably one of the cutest people I've ever seen - nods. She's holding Maya, her baby, in the crook of her arms. The baby is sleeping, and looks disturbingly and scarily like Calum.

"I'm just...what if he reacts badly? What if he hates her?" Harper asks, looking at us worriedly and then down at Maya.

I stare at her baby and her giant chubby cheeks, soft black hair, and pink pouty lips and shake my head.

"I don't see any possible way that anyone could look at that baby and say no" I say honestly, pointing at Maya.

Today is the day Harper has to tell Calum about his baby. Ashton filled me in earlier today about them - they had a one time thing and then never spoke again, and then when she went into labour she told Ashton the Dad's name was Calum Hood.

Ashton's at work though, and I'm off now on pregnancy leave, so I'm taking Harper to see him. I pleaded Jamie to go with me for backup, and since she's between jobs and at war with her girlfriend, she agreed.

"Look, honey, if that man doesn't like that baby then I'm gonna write him a strongly worded letter with lots of f-words in it" Jamie informs Harper.

Harper nods, looking pale. Maya stirs in her sleep, but otherwise is calm. Little does she know she's about to meet her Dad.

"Um, if you want, we can hold onto Maya while you tell him and then we'll bring her in if everything goes a-ok?" I suggest, holding my arms out to take her.

"Thank you so much" Harper says, heaving a sigh. She dumps Maya in my arms and runs in.

Jamie looks unconcerned. "Well, shit"



Charlie Barlie Fo Farlie

so like

this one kid right

im actually kinda impressed tbh

he actually did so bad on the test

that i think it was on purpose

like the whole test was multiple choice and i looked it up and it's almost impossible that he did as bad as he did

you have a 1 in 4 chance of getting it right

so i came to the conclusion he had to know the right answer to all of them to get the wrong one every time

Charlie Barlie Fo Farlie

Teachings going that good huh?

Charlie Barlie Fo Farlie

Can u tell

"Mister Irwin?"

I look up from my phone, and then down at the little girl in front of me.

"Hello - um, sorry, what's your name again?"

I'm currently substitute teaching at an elementary school in a year 1 class, and today is my first day. I can't remember any of the kids' names, but I'm trying my best.

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