III. | Day of Wonder

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The very next day, at 6:45 in the morning, in the Kaedehara household.

Kazuha already got ready for the day, he walked over to his mothers, Ningguang and Beidou. His mothers adopted him when he was at a young age, they had friends who were a part of the Kaedehara clan, but when they heard about the passing of theirs, they were able to gain custody over him, taking him in as their own child.

Though they aren't blood, they still care for him as much as any loving parent would. Beidou was cooking breakfast as Ningguang was half-awake, holding her wife by the waist while she watched her cook.

"Ah, rise and shine, son!" Beidou said to Kazuha with her usual bright smile. "Hi mom," he responded, then noticing Ningguang, his other mother, "hi mama," he said to her, receiving a small nod from the still sleepy Ningguang.

"You ready for your second day of being a knight?" Beidou asked him. Kazuha nodded, "yeah, I'm ready," he responded. Beidou then ruffled through his hair like how she used to when he was younger, "I'm proud of you! Achieving the dream you wanted, aren't you proud too, Ning?" She asked her wife as she looked over at her.

Ningguang finally awoken from her sleepy mode, "of course I am," she responded as she looked at their son, "we're both proud," she told him with a small soft smile. Kazuha gave a soft smile back, "thank you."

Beidou then dragged Kazuha and Ningguang to the table, making them sit down as she went back to the kitchen, that made Kazuha let out a small chuckle while Ningguang had a small smile on her face.

Beidou came back as she held two plates, one was a plate of waffles which were for Kazuha and the other plated that had pancakes were for Ningguang. "Eat up! You both have some work to do this early morning," she told them.

"Don't you have to go on a business trip sometime soon?" Kazuha asked as he took a bite from his pancakes. Beidou nodded, "yeah, I'll have to go tomorrow, and I'll be gone for about a week," she informed them both.

Ningguang nodded in understanding, while Kazuha did as well, but will miss her for the time she's gone because Beidou is the energetic bright mother, though he loves both his mothers, Beidou is the one who could light any day. Ningguang is special in her own way, which Kazuha believes that she's an interesting mother.

After they finished eating, Kazuha then got up to leave for his duty of being a knight. "Bye, Kazuha," Beidou said as she washed the dishes, while Ningguang gave him a simple wave.

Kazuha walked out the front door as he closed the door, he took a deep breath before continuing his way to the Knights of Favonius training arena, which was the place him and the Honorary twins, agreed to meet at.

As he arrived, the twins were already there, obviously. "Ready for the practice?" Lumine asked Kazuha. "Yeah, hit me," he responded, a bit confidently. "Oh? Confident aren't we?" Lumine said as she softly chuckled as she then quickly pulled her sword out and aimed directly towards him.

Kazuha then blocked her blade by holding out his sword to reduce the speed of her slash, making her slide back a few inches. The two continued to slash and each other, while Aether sat on the side.

"HEY!" A female voice shouted from a far as she ran towards them, making Kazuha and Lumine stop. It was outside Amber from the Knights of Favonius! "Hey Amber," Lumine said to her as she noticed Amber's tired, bothered expression.

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