Chapter 4: It's Time

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Queen Natalia sat alone in her private chambers, boredly twirling around a dagger with her hands. She was evaluating everything that had happened since she had sent that first letter to Queen Vivienne. It had been exactly one week ago that she had received Vivienne's reponse. Now, she was sat waiting for the arrival of her footman. It would not be long.

Natalia had been corresponding with Queen Vivienne for some time now. She felt that she had initially misjudged her, having written her off as spoiled and entitled. However, Vivienne had been nothing but polite in her letters thus far, and Natalia was pleased that they were devoid of the sense of superiority that was usually so blatant when she interacted with other rulers.

Natalia still remained somewhat skeptical of her bride-to-be. She was never one for blind optimism, and just because Vivienne had been initially warm in their exchanges didn't mean she truly viewed Natalia as an equal. It was still too early to judge. They would need to meet face-to-face first. Natalia also considered the fact that Queen Vivienne was only being nice because she recognized how much her country needed this union.

She had been hasty to accept Natalia's proposal, as expected, and they had begun preparing plans to meet one another to discuss the terms of their marriage. The journey would take some time and, indeed, Natalia was leaving today. In just a few days time, Natalia would arrive at the Azalea Kingdom and meet Queen Vivienne for the first time. It was enough to strike fear into the heart of a great warrior. She had done everything she could to distract herself since the day of her departure had been decided.

Of course, the engagement was not yet official and they had yet to announce it to the public. Natalia, for her part, was not looking forward to the public's reaction at all. She doubted the people of Azalea would be pleased with the news. She was not especially popular there. In fact, of the royals, Natalia was likely the second least popular in the Azalea Kingdom after King Icup.

In terms of the social politics of the union, it was obvious that sacrifices were being made on Queen Vivienne's part. Their marriage was sure to decrease both Vivienne's popularity with her people and the other rulers' opinions of her. Natalia could not help but feel a little guilty about that. Although she was more than making up for it, she could not stand that Queen Vivienne's status would decrease simply by wedding her.

While their marriage would only increase Natalia's value as a ruler, she thought that Vivienne's was sure to plummet. It was both a wound to Natalia's pride and to her new wife. Natalia did not like the idea of being the source of any troubles towards her bride-to-be. It was not her intention to cause her wife any pain, even if indirectly. It was unbecoming of a good spouse and Vivienne had done nothing to deserve it.

Natalia's thoughts were cut off by knocking on her door.

"Come in."

Her footman slowly creaked the door open, peaking behind it slightly.

"Your Highness, the carriage is ready for your depature."

Natalia put down her dagger, turning around to look at the footman. She waved her hand to dismiss him.

She got up after he had gone, stretching her arms and breathing deeply in an attempt to calm the butterflies fluttering wildly around her stomach.

"It's time."

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