Chapter 18: A Foolish King

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The pieces of Natalia's plan were falling together perfectly. After her decisive victory in the first battle, Metarkon's troops - or what was left of them - had withdrawn back into their trenches.

Although there was yet to be another battle, from the distance Natalia could view the arrival of new Metarkon troops, to replace the vast majority of Icup's original army that had been killed.

Following the first battle, Natalia continued to hope for a swift end to the war, and conducted business in camp as usual. Training troops, discussing strategies, and writing letters to Vivienne.

However, recently something had happened that could drastically change the course of the war. Something so important that matters devoted to it required her full and complete attention.

A few hours prior, Natalia had received a visit to tent from one of her best spies, Lord Asbury. The glint in his eyes promised her good news.

"Your Majesty," he said jubilantly, a wide smile on his face, "It seems as though our dear friend King Icup has been so kind as to join us on the battlefield."

"What?", Natalia had said, believing she could not possibly have heard him right.

"Indeed, it's true. In the early hours of the morning my spies reported seeing Icup arrive in his royal carriage, to a great merriment from his troops. Cheering and the like."

"We believe his visit is meant to be a morale boost for his men," Lord Asbury continued, "The war has been in stalemate for a while. Perhaps the king deems it safe to visit."

Natalia clasped her hands together in disbelief.

"Just what kind of an imbecile is he?" She asked.

"The kind that will win us a war, my Queen."

And just like that, with not a moment more to lose, Natalia rushed from her quarters and went hastily to the strategy tent, summoning her best generals.

By now many of them had already heard the news, and gathered around the tent with their heads held high, waiting for instruction.

Some from Azalea, some from Gladoria, all eager to hear what she had to say. If not for the urgency of the situation it would've warmed her heart.

"Listen well,"  Natalia commanded, "We've no knowledge of how long Icup will remain here. This opportunity is invaluable to us. We must act fast."

Her men stood at attention as she paced around the room.

"If we do this right, we can bring a swift end to this war. No more blood to be spilled. No more lives to be lost.. except one."

"King Icup has been a thorn in the side of our kingdoms for years now. But today he has presented us with the best gift we could ever ask for. Why slaughter thousands when you can end a war by killing one?"

"Fetch me my sword," she ordered a squire, "We go now."

It took no time at all convincing her eager soldiers to ready for the attack, many antsy from inaction. The whole of Natalia's force was prepared to march, with her on horseback taking up the lead.

On their trek to Metarkon's camp, they spotted a number of panicked lookouts, rushing back in an attempt to warn of the impending ambush.

It was futile. It was impossible for Metarkon to rally their unprepared troops in time. In a matter of minutes they reached the unguarded entrance to the soldiers barracks.

Natalia nodded to the platoon of soldiers a few paces behind her, holding a battering ram. With full force they crashed down the wooden gate and a flood of Natalia's army rushed into the camp.

As her men cut down fleeing Metarkon soldiers running aimlessly in every direction, Natalia kept an eye out for one man only. It didn't take her long to spot the tent Icup was staying in, it being larger and more lavishly decorated than the plain ones surrounding it.

Making quick work of the men that had haphazardly tried to surround the tent, Natalia forced her way in.

She quickly spotted King Icup, in all his glory, cowering in the corner. Seizing him by the cloak, she looked down at the man who had caused her and Vivienne so much trouble. For all the suffering he had created, he was nothing but a coward and a fool.

"If Metarkon could see their king now." She smiled, drawing her sword. He spat at her.

Without hesitation, she drove the hilt of the sword into his neck, and watched as his blood splattered the white walls of the tent.

Icup gurgled out something unintelligible that Natalia supposed were his last words, perhaps a prayer, perhaps damning her to hell. It didn't matter.

She stared him straight in the face, watching the life drain from his eyes, before throwing his crumpled body to the floor and exiting the tent.

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