Chapter 20: Homecoming

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Natalia eyed the castle in the distance, her stomach swirling with nervous excitement as she and her company trudged along the beginnings of the pathway leading up to the palace entrance.

From where they were she could already spot the makings of a large gathering of people, ready to welcome her back to the Kingdom of Azalea.

In no time at all she would be arriving to a great merriment of celebrations, the court joyous at her swift victory and safe return. More importantly, she would be arriving home to Vivienne.

She had missed her wife dearly, that could not be truer. Not a day passed by in the barracks that she did not think of Vivienne. Indeed, it was her eyes that came to mind every time she gazed up towards the clear blue sky.

Fanfare began to sound as they got closer to the castle. Natalia was welcomed by the loud cheering of onlookers standing on either side of the path, waving as she passed. Now smiling, she waved back.

Many people held banners displaying her crest and more threw flower petals that swayed in the air before delicately falling to the ground.

Her chest puffed with pride, Natalia began to revel in the happiness of the people, before coming to a sudden halt as her gaze fell upon a familiar face outside the castle entrance, the crowd parted like the Red Sea around her.

There she was, just as beautiful as the day she had left. Her golden hair dazzling in the sunlight, her warm eyes lighting up as they met hers, her perfect mouth curved into the most beautiful smile Natalia had ever seen.

Overwhelmed with emotion and instantly forgetting the royal protocol, Natalia quickly dismounted her horse and ran the rest of the way to Vivienne, who waited with open arms.

As they embraced, and the crowd cheered even louder, Vivienne wrapped her arms around Natalia's neck and kissed her deeply.

"I missed you." Natalia heard Vivienne murmur against her lips, before she planted a soft kiss on her cheek.

Smiling wildly, Natalia took her hand and kissed it, as now was so natural to her, before lovingly stroking her wife's cheek.

"I missed you more." She whispered back.

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