chapter 3

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Chapter 3, page 1: Blanche's First Words and a New Ability is Discovered

As they all sat around the now burned-out campfire, Mira had just returned from gathering resources for their next move. She let out a long exaggerated sigh. "Maaaaan, I'm beat, nyaa~" she said, stretching back.

Blanche glanced at her for a moment, then smiled softly. "W-welcome... back," he managed to stammer out, surprising  the others. Mira stared at him in shock and disbelief, and Markus stopped eating, his eyes wide with astonishment.

"Lil bit, did you just talk?" Markus asked, dumbfounded.

Blanche nodded, giving a small smile. It was the first time he had been able to speak sicne the start of this journey. The group exchanged amazed glances, realizing that Blanche was beginning to develop his ability to speak.

In the midst of the commotion, Markus noticed something peculiar. "Look," he exclaimed, pointing at a nearby tree. Blanche followed Markus' gaze and gasped. The tree was bending at the sound of a specific music note that had escaped his lips.

"What...what's happening?" Blanche whispered, his voice trembling.

Markus grinned, excitement evident on his face. "Blanche, it seems like you've discovered a new ability! By singing that particular music note, you have the power to manipulate and create things in your surroundings , we'll aint that something lil bit you're really coming into your own"

Blanche's heart raced with a mix of wonder and uncertainty. He had always felt different from others, but now it seemed that he had a gift. With this newfound ability, he could turn obstacles into opportunities, create bridges where there were none, and fashion shields for protection.

Markus continued, "But be careful, Blanche.

Blanche nodded, taking in all the information. He knew that with this power wasnt something he could take lightly and he needed to learn to control it. But he was ready to embrace it. With his first words and the discovery of his unique ability, Blanche stepped into a new chapter of his journey, eager to explore the extent of his newfound power and confront the challenges that lay ahead.

Chapter 3: Blanche's First Words and New Ability Discovered

Page 2

Markus, Blanche, and Mira were in the lake, washing up. It was nice to have time to relax every now and then. "Hold still, Lil bit! If you move too much, you'll burn yourself," Markus griped, firmly holding onto Blanche's arms to keep him from moving too much.

"Aw, he can't help it, Markus. It's probably his first bath since he started his journey with you. And the water, although it is refreshing, it's cold nyaa~," Mira chimed in. Blanche nodded quickly in agreement to Mira's words, shivering from the cold water washing over his body.

As they finished washing up, Blanche shivered uncontrollably, struggling to regain warmth. Markus grabbed Blanche's cloak and wrapped it Round his shoulders "don't need ya burning lil bit " he said softly offering a small smile his side.

Blanche put his cloak and clothes back on feeling the warmth  envelop him,as he waited for everyone else to get  dressed,feeling  He tapped Markus's hand telling him thank you and then turned to Mira. "T-t-thank you," he stammered. It was only the second time  hed spoken since he'd began the trip with Markus words weren't something that czme easy for him ans he found forming new sentences harder. His voice was soft and timid, reflecting his shy nature.

Markus smiled warmly, happy to hear Blanche's voice again. "No worries, Blanche. We're a team, and we take care of each other," he assured him.

Mira purred happily, flicking her tail. "That's right, Blanche! We're here for you," she declared.

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