chapter 7

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Blanche and Flynn entered the common area where their friends, Lucas and Amelia, were waiting for them.

"Whoa, where did you  guys come from?" Amelia exclaimed, her eyes widening with delight.

" we were investigating a noise," Flynn explained.

Lucas leaned forward, studying Blanche's face intently. "I see you are still not doing too well . The dreams must be a problem for you then? such vivid dreams, then to be able to remember them. There's definitely something special about your creature."

their thoughts to the reason they were here - Blanche's recurring nightmares. They had zero idea as to why he was getting them, and they were always the same  . Between that and having to focus on the mission, the origin and meaning of the dreams remained a mystery.

Amelia, the resident researcher of the group, pulled out her notebook and began flipping through its well-worn pages. "We've explored everything from ancient legends to scientific studies, but nothing seems to come up so as far as I can tell these dreams aren't linked to anything  but it's obvious these dreams are trying to tell him something like a piece of information for what  I'm not sure yet ."

Blanche's brow furrowed in frustration. "It f-feels like t-t-there's a puzzle i-in my mind, a-and each n-night, the dreams offer m-m-me a n-new piece, b-but I c-c-can't put them t-together

Markus squeezed Blanche's shoulder reassuringly. "We won't give up, my friend. We're a team, and together, we'll find a way to solve this."

Markus, the second in command and  protector of blanche , joined the conversation. "Perhaps there's something we're missing, a missing link. Blanche, have you tried analyzing the patterns of the dreams? Are there any recurring symbols or themes?"

Blanche pondered for a moment, recalling the details of his dreams. "N-no none t-t-that I c-can think o-of, j-j-just t-the s-same women a-always c-chasing me. A-always y-yelling  you w-will be mine a-a-and once youre m-m-mine the w-world is mine, t-then she y-yells a-and I wake u-up ."

Markus furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "The fact that this woman keeps appearing in your dreams and proclaiming her ownership over you seems significant. It could be a representation of a powerful force or entity trying to control you. We need to dig deeper into the meaning behind this recurring motif."

Amelia, the team's researcher, chimed in, flipping through her notebook. "There might be mythological references or archetypes that align with this pattern. Let me cross-reference with different cultures and legends to see if we can find any clues."

As Amelia delved into her research, Blanche's unease grew. He couldn't shake off the feeling that these dreams held more than just a simple symbolism. He felt a deep uneasiness, as if a greater threat lurked behind them.

Lucas, always a calming presence, placed a reassuring hand on Blanche's shoulder. "We'll figure this out, Blanche. Together, we can unravel this mystery and find a way to free you from these distressing dreams."

Blanche nodded, trying to remain optimistic. "T-thank you, a-a-all of you. "

As the team continued their investigation, they delved into ancient texts. They left no stone unturned in their search for answers.

Markus furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "The fact that this woman keeps appearing in your dreams and proclaiming her ownership over you seems significant. It feels personal."

Amelia, the team's researcher, chimed in, flipping through her notebook. "I would suggest that we dig  into your past, Blanche, but considering markus has told me you had run away from somewhere where he's unsure, we don'thave much to go on. Let's dig deeper and see if we can uncover any connections to this mysterious woman."

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