-Chapter 7-

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: "Lovers Rock" - TV Girl


It was calming...the rain. 

Each pitter patter, each droplet that fell from the dark void above, each pang of coolness it left when it splashed against my tear streaked face. It all felt calm, not entirely perfect, not all raindrops were: some were small some were big some were fast some were slower. But to me it all felt calm, like a strange way of the sky telling me it's okay to cry, that it can cry too. Because of this, some people associate rain with sadness but I disagree, it's more comforting than the bright sun, forcing you to be happy all the time. 

I took a shaky breath as I felt a shiver run up my spine from the cold evening. I was around 40 feet up in the air, laying back down on my trusty broomstick, in the middle of the quidditch field. 

Nobody would find me up here. They were all at dinner, I didn't want to go. I felt sick to my stomach. I closed my eyes and heard light thunder above me.

"What are you doing up here?" I heard a voice, but not just any voice, a voice that made me suddenly sit up, look over at the speaker, wipe my face with my sleeve and take a raspy breath as my gaze was met by Regulus Black. He must've come round here, grabbed a broom as well and come to see what i was doing 'up here'.

I was hesitant to answer at first but looking into his cloudy grey eyes I knew he wasn't poking fun or anything like that, he looked back at me with a look of kind curiosity and something else I couldn't pinpoint: admiration? No, must've been something else.

But before I could think about anything I took a deep sigh and let all my thoughts spill out along with a few tears which I hope he didn't notice. "I like Girls and... Guys?" i looked at his face, as if trying to decipher his reaction to the news, if it was bad i might as well just take a swan dive down to the ground without a broom but all he did was tilt his head and nod, "And if lily finds out then so would Mary and Peter and-" i took another breath and realised my hands were shaking as i looked down at them. Regulus noticed this and took both of my hands in his, the warmth was intoxicating and the shaking subsided.

"You don't have to tell me. I understand if it's hard." he said and i don't know if it was the love talking or my waterlogged brain but i believed every word. I felt the understanding and comfort in knowing that somebody would believe me and get what was going on, even if  that person caused me to have a slight panic attack every time they spoke. I took yet another breath and started again.

"I would all go downhill, Sirius would get mad if he knew who I liked and... Lily would realise that i don't actually like her, i just like the idea of her. Remus would probably be on my side but losing Sirius would make that all fall down the drain, I just... wish i was normal and I didn't think like this"

At this point my hair clung to my ears and forehead with water as I felt Regulus move closer towards me and place another comforting hand on mine clasped in his, a shadow of a smile flitted across his face and he spoke one more in that angelic voice of his.

"James, listen to me. You can like who you like and he can't do anything to stop that.you need to stop worrying about if others would accept you and accept yourself."

I froze and stared at his sweet rosy cheeks in astonishment.

"You...You called me James."I spluttered.

"I only meant like- well- I mean... oh, just forget about it." he answered, looking away and letting go of my palms, now it was my turn to gently grasp his. I held his chin and pulled it lightly towards me before whispering, "I prefer James anyway, coming from you."

Then I let go of him and shouted "RACE YA!" as I sped away on my broom to the ground. Once we both landed safely I looked over at the pretty boy next to me and took in every detail of him that i could in that split second: His dark curls which normally framed his face were now in soaking wet ringlets that trailed in front of his eyes and down his neck, his usually stormy eyes that now looked like a calm storm that had settled to clouds with a tint of green poking in around the sides, his shirt that stuck to his frame frame and became slightly opaque, his rosy cheeks that sat just above a pair of dimples. 

How could anybody be so beautiful? That was my one question. Not even the gods above could have made any angel this perfect, no magic could ever make any person so magical to gaze at. I felt his warm fingers trace the back of my hand gently before holding onto it tightly and he ran through the rain, pulling me along with him. 

But I did not complain, for I was running with a laughing Regulus Black through the rain, where nobody was watching and suddenly all my tears were washed away along with any sad remorse for the earlier episode. And I started to laugh too as he pulled me into a ballroom-esque slow dance, resting his head onto my shoulder and breathing softly into my shoulder as my hands found their way around his waist. We swayed like this for another few minutes, getting soaked by the rain but the heat in my heart would have been enough to keep me warm all night.

I buried my face into his wet mop of hair and breathed in the scent of pure perfection. Smiling into his drenched locks as his cold fingers traced the collar of my dripping shirt with his arm resting around my neck lazily.

"You're going to ruin your hair, baby black." I whispered wordlessly as my heart was only finally started to relax. The pretty boy just sighed in contempt and kept swaying faintly, my heart fluttered at the moment and I felt golden.

No overthinking, no anxiety, no worries, no fear: just peace. Peace with Him.

Slowly, Regulus lifted his head from its comfortable place and I began to feel cold at the loss of touch, "I..." his eyes met mine and they sparkled with a sense of wanting to say something but being unable to word it successfully, "Have you ever been to the kitchens?" he ended up blurting out with a grin. I blinked in confusion as an answer.

He took hold of my hand again and ran for the school building. This time he wasn't dragging me, for I raced alongside him with a grin matching both of us the whole way and we both fell into the entrance hall, trying to catch our breath but smiling so hard our faces hurt.

I had to pinch myself a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. That was really happening.


Something happens and I'm head over heels ~ Starchaser ~Where stories live. Discover now