Burger Bonding

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I savored another fry, reclining against the car seat as Genya finally approached my abode. The enticing aroma of McDonald's Sprite and cheeseburgers permeated the car, enveloping us in the delightful ambiance of a lavish buffet. Despite the twinge of guilt for indulging so much, the allure of the meal proved irresistible.

Genya and I had been up and down the premises, singing along to the radio, exchanging jokes, and offering compliments to pedestrians, all within the comfort of his Honda. Our adventure led us to a brief pause at the closest fast-food establishment, where, to my surprise, Genya graciously covered the expenses for both of us. It was a very generous thing to do, considering the kind of person he was.

However, the thrill of the evening would come to cease upon reaching my porch. Despite the disappointment, I acknowledged the inevitable return home. If only my return had been delayed a bit, perhaps then my content would have surpassed the momentary letdown I experienced.

"Alright, well..." Genya began, resting his hands on the wheel. "I guess this is where the party ends," He shot me a grin, unlocking his car for me to exit.

I shook my head, sweeping away the remnants of the burger that clung to the corner of my mouth. He raised an eyebrow, releasing the steering wheel to turn and focus on me. Despite the concern etched on his face, I sensed that the enjoyment wasn't about to conclude. The fun he provided surpassed anything I had experienced recently. He simply couldn't leave.

"Wait, we still need to work on our food truck, remember?" I reminded him, opening the door of the passenger seat. "Here, I'll go ask my dad if you can come in,"

"Wait," He grabbed my hand, stopping me in my tracks as his eyes focused. Despite having violet irises, this blue-eyed stare he reciprocated was getting increasingly annoying and overwhelming. I couldn't even decipher whether or not there was any intent to it.

"What?" I chimed, tensing up to the feeling of his palm on mine.

"I actually think I should start heading back now," He affirmed. "I'm not even supposed to be out this late,"

The once content expression on his face faded into one marked by guilt. His gaze bore into mine for a moment before releasing my hand and reclining into the driver's seat. I pressed my lips together, a tinge of sadness lingering about him driving away so early into the night. Nevertheless, there was no need for him to harbor any guilt; I intended to assure him of that.

"No, it's fine!" I exclaimed, shaking my hands in front of me. "You go on home. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Without another word, he met me with a genuine smile, sinking into the seat of the car. I found myself unintentionally captivated by it for a moment before diverting my gaze elsewhere. Swiftly, I retrieved my McDonald's order, skillfully balancing it with the support of both arms. Just as I was about to conclude our encounter, my hand poised to shut the passenger door, he conveyed his parting message.

"Y'know... I used to think you were a nerd when you were just that one quiet kid in class," He paused, looking ahead—out of the windshield where stars tickled the screen. "After today, now I've realized you're a lot more stupid than anticipated," He chuckled, looking back at me for my reaction.

Refusing to give him a verbal response, I shot him a sarcastic look of irritance before slamming the car door shut in his face. Turning away, I strolled towards my dwelling, acutely aware of his ongoing complaints about slammed doors. A smirk played on my lips as I heard him raise his voice in protest, but I paid it no mind, reaching my front door with a sense of satisfaction. Playfully flashing my middle finger in a joking manner, I opened the door politely and closed it with deliberate gentleness, relishing the subtle act of annoyance directed his way.

"I saw that," my brother, Yuichiro, said in response to my potty finger. "Why the hell are you coming back so late, anyway?" He asked, snatching a fry from my arms and stuffing it into his mouth.

"I was picked up by a friend, and we went out to eat," I answered, removing my shoes and setting them in the closet beside the door.

"Your friend? You mean that handsome fellow right there?"

I jolted, quick to turn around and face the window beside me in confusion. While I was aware of Yuichiro's acute senses, I never anticipated him detecting Genya's arrival more swiftly than I could. Lost in my momentary confusion, he deftly seized the McDonald's meal from my grasp and darted upstairs. Ignoring it, I peered through the peephole, observing Genya rapping twice against the wooden door.

My eyes widened in surprise, and without a second thought, I swiftly unlocked the door, swinging it open with enthusiasm. Leaning casually against the doorframe, a cheeky smile adorned my lips, while my free hand instinctively found its place on my hip. In that very moment, I exemplified the epitome of awkwardness, much to the bemusement of Genya, who regarded me with a quizzical expression, as if I were an alien.

"What's with the change of mind?" I asked of him, nervously twirling a strand of my hair around my finger.

He shrugged, scratching the back of his neck with a hand.

"Well, we've got a project to do, and I don't want to fail it,"

Somehow, I could tell that was a lie amongst all of his others. There wasn't a day in his life when he exhibited the slightest concern regarding his academic performance. Although our interactions spanned merely a day, my keen powers of observation had already allowed me to glean this truth, earned from subtle nuances in his classroom behavior.

Arrogant was the last thing I wanted to be, but as proud as I was, I couldn't help but acknowledge that his presence seemed tethered to me. Rather than dismissing it, I found myself quietly flattered by the notion. Those close to me could attest to the lasting impression I made on newcomers—an allure that proved irresistible. Perhaps, I grudgingly admit, there might be a hint of arrogance in that, after all.

"Uhuh..." I hummed in denial before opening the door wider for him to enter. "Well then, you wait in the living room. I'll go ask my dad,"

A radiant smile illuminated his face as he confidently stepped inside without a hint of hesitation. Knowing myself, I'd note that I've never felt so confident upon entering a completely unfamiliar home. It occurred to me that he might be even more arrogant than I am, sparking a subtle reassurance in my own moral standing as I mentally measured myself against him.

I observed him ease into the living room couch, settling in with a casual demeanor, his arms casually resting on its edges. With a subtle eye roll, I ascended the staircase, preparing to present a proposition to my father – one that he couldn't refuse. He himself was well aware that it was about time I'd made a friend.

Word Count: 1216

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