Study Sesh

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"As long as you both don't get into any trouble tonight, then I don't have a problem," my father said, allowing Genya to linger around.

I beamed in satisfaction, leaning over him, who sat at his office desk to give him a small peck on the cheek.

"I promise we won't," I finally assured before prancing out of his bedroom.

A soft chuckle slipped from his lips as I did so, and I couldn't resist smiling to myself in response. I was elated to be officially released from the constraints of the collar. Due to some recent mishaps I had engaged in the week prior, I was meant to be grounded this week, but my father doesn't seem to worry too much about politics, apparently.

It would be in my best interest if he maintained his leniency. However, as perceptive as I was, I was aware of just how temporary the gig happened to be. Even then, that was the least of my concerns. I was given the green light, nonetheless, and I was willing to make the most of it.

"Genya!" I exclaimed, entering the living room where he sat, legs crossed and focused on the television before him. "You can stay, but don't act like how you do at school,"

He raised his eyebrows in acknowledgment of the message but didn't pay enough attention to look back at me. I folded my lips, noticing how fixated his eyes were on the blue screen in his presence, and began to approach him. Upon being his main focus, I reached for his wrist with a hand, pulling him from the couch with a grunt.

"C'mon Genya," I struggled. "We have to work on the food truck, and you have to give me role ideas. I need you!"

"Pfft," He scoffed, bringing himself to his feet.

He withdrew his hand from mine, nonchalantly tucking both into his pockets with a self-satisfied expression, as though he had successfully evaded the police in their attempt to pull him over. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, contemplating if his visit could get any worse. Regret started to gnaw at me, and I found myself daydreaming about the alternate, more peaceful scenario that could have unfolded if I had chosen to be sound asleep at that very moment.

"You're so weak," He joked, ruffling my hair before starting up the stairs.

A gasp involuntarily escaped my lips as I crossed my arms together in disbelief. That comment was the last I wanted to hear from somebody so judgmental. Yet, it was the most expected considering his judgments.

"You don't even know where my room is," I protested. "Let me get in front of you,"

Surprisingly, he graciously stepped aside, allowing me to pass on the opposite side of the stairs. A smirk played on my lips as I confidently placed my hand on the rail and maneuvered past him, seizing the opportunity to take the lead. Yet, my confidence quickly faded when my hand encountered an unexpected obstacle—a much broader hand already resting on the rail. Wide-eyed, I realized my error, hastily retracting my hands as swiftly as I had placed them.

Much to my astonishment, he refrained from making any jokes about the brief physical contact and, in fact, didn't mention it at all. It was practically obvious he felt it, and knew about my awkward response regarding it, but boy, did he know how to read a room. It would be a lie if I said I didn't feel a sense of relief at that moment.

After what seemed like an eternity, though it was merely a fleeting minute, we stood before my room. I stole a quick glance behind me, observing Genya's patient demeanor; his hands remained neatly tucked in his pockets, and his gaze wandered elsewhere. Taking a moment to collect myself, I closed my eyes briefly before reopening them, focusing on the doorknob before me. As I turned it with deliberate slowness, I couldn't help but catch my breath, grappling with the hesitancy of inviting a boy into my personal space.

After all, this wasn't my room alone. I shared it with my twin brother, Yuichiro, who, like the rest of my family, was completely cognizant of my attraction to men. The prospect of him inadvertently embarrassing me or, worse, outing my interests to someone I had just begun talking to today was the last thing I wanted him to do. Despite my reservations, the door swung open in my grasp, and I realized there was no more room to turn back.

I pivoted to lock eyes with Genya, a subtle smile gracing my face as I welcomed him into the room. Yet, the serene ambiance enveloping us was abruptly shattered by the grating cacophony of Yuichiro's shrieks.

"Oh, uhn uhn," He began, rolling his family pack of Lays closed. "I'm trying to study. You're already enough of a nuisance. Why bring another one?"

I turned to Genya, wearing an expression intended to convey that Yuichiro's harsh words weren't a true reflection of his character. I couldn't bear the thought of this being their first impression of each other in my presence. Disregarding my unease, he simply shrugged, showing a lack of concern for Yuichiro's disruptive behavior.

"You literally ate my food," I reminded Yuichiro. "The food that he paid for to be exact. Consider this fulfilling your debt,"

He scoffed in disbelief, prompting an eye roll from me as I made my way toward the wardrobe opposite where I stood.

"You can sit on my bed, Genya," I said to his puzzled face that strictly analyzed the room. "Let me just get changed, and I'll meet you,"

I reached into the wardrobe and retrieved my latest set of sleepwear, gifted from my father about a month ago. Placing it carefully on the solitary chair beside me, I proceeded to undress, layer by layer, until the cool breeze from the open window delicately caressed my skin.

"Look away, you weirdo," I heard my brother bleat as the sound of a flying pillow surfaced across the room.

Genya's responsive holler was proof to my ears that Yuichiro failed to miss. Our beds were separated by the miniscule width of a singular nightstand, so it seemed reasonable he got a headshot.

"I've had my eyes closed this entire time," Genya protested.

"Don't take me for a fool," Yuichiro retorted. "I definitely saw you peep-,"

"You guys are the absolute worst at whispering," I interrupted, fully dressed in my sleepwear as I pivoted to face them.

The two looked at each other with a noticeable grimace before shifting their attention towards me as I reached into a nearby drawer. Extracting a hair tie from its confines, I deftly wound it around my fingers. Gathering my hair into clusters, I skillfully secured the unruly strands into a neat bun with the aid of the hair tie in my possession.

"We should probably get started now," I insisted with a desperate sigh.

Upon retrieving my laptop, I approached Genya, who sat patiently on my bed. I plopped myself right beside him, bringing my legs to a crisscross applesauce as I unfolded the device. Looking at Genya, he knowingly reciprocated the gaze, and at that moment, I knew we were both aware of how long of a night this was going to be with my grumbling brother.

Word Count: 1241

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