Chapter Three

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Chapter 3 - Reconsidering

Albus, Minerva and Poppy portkeyed into the Grangers' back garden, and into total chaos. Harry was being held in wrist restraints by a pair of aurors, he seemed to be stoically facing his fate. The same couldn't be said of Hermione, who was having to be restrained by another pair of aurors. She was obviously vociferously objecting to Harry being arrested but, since someone had placed a silencing charm on her, that assumption had to be an educated guess. Her mother was just sitting on the ground, quietly staring at a cloth covered human shape.

The real noise was being generated by an argument between Amelia Bones and Cornelius Fudge. Both seemed to hold contradictory opinions on what had happened here, and what should take place next. Cornelius was trying to lay down the law but Amelia was just as animatedly quoting the actual law of the land straight back at him - as well as reminding the Minister of Magic that she was the one in charge here. Needless to say, Cornelius wasn't too happy with any of that.

"Potter killed two people, he's not even contesting that fact. Poor Lucius was cursed in the back."

Amelia wasn't standing for Ministerial interference in a case that could blow their world apart, not without one hell of a fight. "Your 'poor Lucius' is lying there in full Death Eater regalia, including a mask with his name on the inside. He also carries the dark mark on his arm. Had I been here, I would have fired on him too. What about Draco? His wand clearly shows a killing curse as the last spell cast, and we have a body here for which that spell was the cause of death."

Trying to bluster, and piece together an explanation that would fit the circumstances, Fudge clearly indicated the tone of interpretation he wanted placed on tonight's events. "Young Draco had just seen his father murdered. His grief would understandably see him cast that awful curse at his father's killer - Potter. The muggle was probably just in the way - an unfortunate accident."

A thoroughly frustrated Amelia came right back at him. "Could the reason that muggle was in the way be that this is his property? What excuse do you have for both Malfoys being here, in the middle of the night, with Lucius wearing his Death Eater uniform?"

A flustered Fudge just tried to stamp his authority, and his solution, over the situation. "We'll probably never know, because Potter murdered them both before we could ask."

Harry answered that question, even although he wasn't asked. He had spotted Dumbledore's arrival and shouted the vitally important information to Albus as soon as the headmaster came close enough to hear.

"Sir, they came for Hermione. Malfoy wanted to take her to Voldemort."

Whipping around, Cornelius spotted Dumbledore for the first time. "Not that old chestnut again, boy. You-know-who is not back. Dumbledore, this is your fault for spreading these lies amongst impressionable children."

Harry came right back at the Minister. "I'm prepared to give evidence about that incident, and tonight, under truth serum. Or do you plan to do another Barty Crouch and have me kissed by a dementor before I can tell people what really happened?"

A raging Fudge turned his anger onto a physically restrained Harry. "You will face Ministerial justice for what you did tonight, boy, and you will pay for your crimes."

A coolness seemed to have embraced Harry, he calmly answered the Minister's shouted threats. "I've seen your version of ministerial justice and I wasn't impressed. Sending Hagrid to Azkaban because you had to be seen to be doing something comes to mind. It was also me who saved your arse over that matter as well, a matter your good friend Lucius here caused. I wonder if he was under the imperious curse then too?"

A gleam in the Minister's eyes was not a good sign. "So this was a revenge killing! Potter holding a grudge because his girlfriend was petrified, they probably lured both Malfoy's here so he could murder them."

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