Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14 – Tell it like it is

As Prongs faded away, Emma saw the look of awe on Arthur's face and decided she simply had to speak out. "No, so not happening. When this is all over, these two hope to build a life together. How is that going to work when the government keep coming to Harry with their problems? Harry's not some super weapon to be thrown at whatever the latest Ministry of Magic dilemma happens to be. These two are already training almost every day to tackle your Dark Lord mess, they don't need anything else being heaped upon them too."

Seeing the anger pouring off Emma, Sirius tried to reassure the worried mother. "Emma, they just want to examine Harry's patronus, that's all."

This cut no ice with the still raging mother. "Yes, that's how it will start. What happens when they say 'Harry, only you can solve this predicament. If you don't, many innocent people could die!' We all know what an outstanding young man Harry is. Does anyone here think that kind of pressure won't eventually be brought to bear?"

Trying to point out the severity of the problem, Arthur told them what he had learned about the dementors from the Ministry. This was the wrong thing to do though as Emma was now on the rampage.

"What a load of tosh! Everything can be killed, even ghosts can be exorcised. My people are experts at finding new and inventive ways to kill things, have you considered using any of their methods of destruction? What about drowning? Setting fire to? Shooting? Gassing? Oh, of course, you can't try any of them - because of the dementors' hive mind. Instead you want to place Harry right in their sights. These deadly creatures that you just told us the Ministry barely have control of, and have no method of killing. As if he doesn't have enough to contend with, or is there a prophecy for this too?"

Taking a deep breath, Emma brought herself back under control before speaking directly to the young wizard in question. "Harry, while getting rid of these horrors would be without doubt a good thing, I just don't see it as your responsibility to take care of this problem. All I ask is that you take a step back and think about this before giving an answer. Do that and I will support whatever decision you reach."

Nodding, Harry reached for Hermione's hand as they went for a private talk.

It took a moment for Sirius to reboot his brain. When he did, there was only one thing he could do. "Emma, I'm sorry. After my time in Azkaban I hate those bloody things with a passion. That hatred was blinding me to the other possibilities, and my responsibilities here. Thank you for standing up for our family."

A slight smile from Emma told Sirius he was forgiven, it was then her turn to make an apology of her own. "Arthur, I'm sorry if I came on a bit strong there. I know you think the world of those two too. Everyone also seems to hate these dementors, colouring their attitudes here."

"Emma, I'm used to Molly shouting at me. While you're certainly a formidable woman, you;re not a witch and don't have a wand. There's no need for an apology. You're right, I never thought this through. I'm actually delighted Harry now has a family looking out for him. You keep right on pointing out where we're getting it wrong. I wonder if you could tell me more about these muggle methods you mentioned for possibly dealing with the dementors."

As Winky popped in with some refreshments, all the tension left the room as Arthur began asking question after question - while taking notes. It was a good ten minutes later before Harry and Hermione returned. Both kissed Emma on the cheek before sitting and giving their decision.

"Mr Weasley, I'm not saying no - just not now. The dementors have been a problem for centuries, that problem's not going anywhere. Voldemort has to be our main focus. We can't allow ourselves to be sidetracked, no matter how noble or just the cause might be."

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