Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9 - Smiling at Death

The atmosphere in what had now become the family lounge at number twelve Grimmauld Place was so thick with tension you could have cut it with a knife. Emma was sitting on a large sofa with Hermione, Susan and Ginny. The group had tried to keep a conversation going but, as time had slowly dragged on, it just proved harder and harder to think about anything else - other than what could be happening on the mission.

Ron was siting supposedly playing games of chess against each of his twin brothers at the same time. While the twins were cheating almost every occasion Ron turned to the other board, none of the trio's hearts were really in the games. It was just something to do while they too waited on news. Their mum, dad and eldest brother were all involved in this mission tonight. All three brothers were silently swearing to work harder at their training, with the hope they would eventually be included in any missions too, because sitting here not knowing what was happening was torture.

Harry was long beyond the sitting stage. He was currently pacing up and down the room, and giving a fair impression of a caged tiger. Like everyone else in the room, his eyes would continually stray to the mobile phone sitting on the occasional table. All were waiting on news, and praying that the news would be good.

The phone managed one ring before Harry had it in his hand. "Sirius, you're on speaker. Tell us what happened? Is everyone okay?"

"What does 'on speaker' mean?"

"It means everyone can hear you, and will soon lynch you unless you tell us some news."

Apologising to more than his godson, Sirius spilled the beans. "Sorry folks, didn't mean to keep you waiting. The Order royally kicked Voldemort's arse tonight. He and his Death Eaters barely managed to get off a spell at us. We have no injuries at all while those Death Eaters still able to stand fled with Voldemort."

There was no celebratory cheering but the relief felt around the room was palpable. Harry was by no means the only one finally able to relax a little. "That's great news, Sirius. How about Tonks and the aurors?"

After a slight hesitation, Sirius had an admission to make. "Not really sure at the moment. Voldemort managed to sink the boat with one spell - just seconds before we opened fire. The whole fight was over in less than two minutes. I phoned you right away because I knew you would all be worried. I'm heading over to the dock but it's pitch black here now the sun's gone down. There are flares being set up so we can see what we're doing."

"We all really appreciate the call, Sirius, we were slowly going nuts here. Let us know if there's any news on Tonks."

As Sirius said goodbye, Harry noticed Ginny had moved over to join her brothers. Unusually for members of the Weasley family, no words were exchanged. Each brother simply taking a turn to hug their little sister in shared relief said all that was needed.

Harry dropped into Ginny's vacated spot on the sofa and soon found himself with Hermione's arms around him. It was Emma though who put into words their feelings. "That was horrible, sitting here not knowing what was happening."

Her arms shot out, grabbing Harry, Hermione and Susan for reassurance. "That feeling is going to be a hundred times worse if any of you are involved in a mission. I don't think I'm cut out for this."

A thoughtful Susan shared her opinion on the matter. "My Aunt Amelia is more than an aunt to me. She's my guardian, my surrogate mother, the last family I have left in the world. Ever since I've been old enough to understand what she did for a living, I've hated watching her leave for work. It's who my aunt is though, I couldn't change that."

With everyone now listening to Susan, she tried to explain why she was sitting there amongst them. "When my aunt tried to get us to leave the country I had to say no. She's an auror, a fighter, a member of a proud house. It would have eaten away at her if we were sitting somewhere safe while people were dying back here. Knowing she was only considering that option because of me, I had to say no. Everyone here has lost close family to these bastards. If we won't stand and fight, who will?"

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