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you went back to work a few weeks later... you went straight to your office, you needed your break from all of this... it was tiring but at least you had all of those days off in between all of the filming sessions so you had some time to yourself... it wasn't long till you heard footsteps coming from behind you... you looked behind you seeing vinnie, he smiled at you and you smiled back but immediately turned back to the computer after noticing him staring... he chuckled softly shaking his head...

"you know you look amazing in those clothes right?" he stated as he leaned on the desk looking at you

You blushed, "why thank you vinnie..." you smiled at him "you don't look bad either..." you giggled lightly.

shortly after, Jack walked in... you kissed the both of them and got ready as you were going on the tour with Jack, you said goodbye to vinnie and he gave you such a caring huge... you were gonna miss him...

now you got to jacks stadium where he would perform... although you weren't gonna be on you had to do some interviews...

but you wanted to give them your undivided attention...

while everyone was walking in and chatting you went into an interview room...

as soon as you sat on the seat you were given some water and then someone asked you about the show... you said you loved it, that you liked everything about the show and that you loved vinnie... you also thanked people for supporting your career... then someone asked about vinnie...

you told him "we broke up"

and he said okay... you kept going...

he asked what happened...

you said "I can't understand why he wants me so badly" kept talking...

you kept up with everything.

you finished and hoped that vinnie wouldn't be angry... you went home after. 

and saw Jack ready for you, you took his hand to the cab... once you were inside you slowly kissed him and touched his jawline  he grabbed your face moving his lips passionately against yours...

you pulled apart after a while and put your arms around his waist... you rested your forehead against his chest and held on tight to him... he was the only one who understood how stressed you were... he kissed the side of your head and whispered how much he loved you...

"I love you too... I'm so glad that we found eachother in the end... you're the best" you murmured to him

Jack tightened his arms around you and kissed the top of your head gently... he wanted to make sure you'll never forget about him and vinnie  again... you kissed him whispering how much you wanted to have sex... but you couldn't as you were in a cab with someone else...

you arrived at the stadium, you watched Jack get ready to perform

and after that they invited everybody to come and check out vinnie who had arrived at the venue earlier. You went out to see him first and he greeted you and Jack... you noticed the way vinnie treated Jack... he always nice to him and they were not rude to eachother because they loved you...

after some time of him performing and you watching from the crowd...

you went out with Jack for some drinks... you saw vinnie wondering with some of his friends after the performance ended,

you pulled him aside to talk... you hugged a lot and you already knew he had the strongest yet softest love ever, he gave you a small kiss. while keeping everything a low profile you whispered "I love you"

truth is you wanted to have a drink with him something risky like a game but you weren't allowed to touch or have intercourse....

you went back with Jack and slept with him, to his house, thank god most of the tour was close, as moving would be a lot but, you had a couple drinks with Jack and had some rough making out... he pinned you up aganist the wall and whispered naughty things into your ear... eventually.

you both agreed to simmer down... but promised to pick things up tomorrow.

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