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When you put your mind to something, it's incredible how quickly time flies by, even without my powers. Chiron said that Elena, Helen, and I made an excellent team. "The three of you are formidable on your own, but in another class when together. You've grown the most, Yiannis."

"Have I gotten taller or stronger?"

"Both," he smiled. "All I can do now is hope you come back here. I pray the gods will be with you."

They most certainly won't. But I got the sentiment. "Thanks. I hope they'll thwart another attack if one happens when I'm gone."

"I hope so as well - for everyone's sake."

After saying our goodbyes to Chiron, I met up with everyone else. Helen and I opened an underground chasm into the Underworld. From there, Hades would lead us into the labyrinth. Well, most of us. Hades wanted to have a private chat with me. And Helen.

Once we got there, Hades showed us four different tunnels. "Each leads into the labyrinth. You can all choose to enter from the same tunnel or split up and search through different areas of the labyrinth."

Everyone thought it was best if we split up. Going together gave the advantage of numbers, but splitting up increased the chances of finding something noteworthy - like a secret Titan base. I agreed, but for different reasons. I didn't want to be near Carissa or Selene. When I found the map, I would go straight to Mei. Naturally, I did not want to give them, or Neil, evidence to use against me. If they saw me, they would rule me out as a traitor.

Hades squeezed my shoulder. "Well? Do you have time to spare for your father?"

"Of course I do." Helen nodded in agreement, and the two of us followed him into the palace, Elena right behind us.

Last time, I only saw the endless hallways and the dining room. Hades brought us into a rather bland room. It was nothing like the lavish dining room, with enough seats for an entire town, a chandelier the size of a whale, and the fancy cuisine. I felt like I was in a ten-star restaurant there. The room was relatively modest - a sofa and two couches. There was a small table in the center coupled with four seats. What struck me was the TV glued to the wall. I didn't think an ancient palace under the Earth would receive a good signal - and I didn't expect a TV to be here in the first place.

"The room isn't mine," Hades declared. "When someone dies, a room is set up for them. That is if they haven't been condemned to Tartarus. It was a mess to judge them in lines - and so we have the dead stay here as we prepare their trial. I suppose...it's more accurate to call it a hotel for the dead."

"That's actually pretty cool," I nodded. "Are all the rooms like this?"

"Yes. Maintaining this costs several fortunes, and making the rooms more luxurious may cost mine. Would you like me to show you and Helen around the palace after you return from your quest?"

I looked at Helen, who raised no objections. "Sure. I'm curious about what else you have in your home, Father."

"Very well. Now then, I called the two of you over here to present you with gifts."

"Gifts?" Helen asked.

"Yes. My smiths actually made them. I'm sure what I give you will be a great asset in your latest quest." Hades spoke in Greek, and a butler suddenly appeared. He gave the lord of the dead three things: an armguard, a black bow, and a sheathed longsword.

Hades first gave the armguard and the bow to Helen. "As someone with a paralyzed leg, close-quarters fighting is like death to you. Of course, you are my daughter, and I know you are more than capable of holding your own. However, the bow you currently use is of low quality - I believe mine will suit you much more."

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