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I was back on the Denali. The battle between god and Titan was still raging. The Denali, once covered in ice, was now ablaze in flames so intense they were searing my skin even in a dream, the ground quaking as they clashed.

Athena and Zeus jumped back as if they still couldn't register that Atlas had been revived. Or perhaps, and more likely, they were terrified. I had the distinct honor of seeing the almighty Zeus gulp.

There was also Hyperion, who was on par with Athena, and Leto, who set her sights on Zeus, grinning.

They were too fast for me to see, but I somehow knew how the battle was playing out. While Leto did initially have the momentum, it wasn't enough. She would have died if Krios hadn't saved her.

Everything turned black as I was violently flung into the air.

When I regained consciousness, I found myself in Hades's palace. The dark, labyrinthine corridors were filled with the soft glow of torches, casting eerie shadows. I walked around the winding stairs, the endless array of doors, seeing the various nymphs and monsters that worked there.

I wound up at Persephone's throne again. She and her husband stood next to it, with Melinoe by their side. I couldn't hear them, so I walked closer until Melinoe saw me.

Melinoe, unlike her mother, is more welcoming of my presence. I can even say we're even friendly to each other. I stayed at the palace for part of the summer with Helen, and we bonded.

But beware. While Melinoe appears as a short, delicate young woman with many similarities to her mother and plenty of assurances that she's "delicate," she isn't. Melinoe is a scary nymph. She can bring terrible nightmares or madness to anyone she chooses. And she can take any form she wants to, so don't believe she's too frail to be a threat. She's a monster from hell but otherwise a nice person.

Melinoe glanced at her parents, and while they weren't looking, she helped me get behind her mother's throne. I grabbed her hand and turned invisible and visible again once I let go.

"What are you doing here?" She grinned. "Missed me in your sleep?"

"No," I laughed. "I had enough nightmares with you. It seems someone out there in the world believes I shouldn't miss this conversation with your parents. So here I am."

"Well, Father has made himself clear. I'm guessing Kronos wants to send you here to see what Hades has decided."

"And what exactly has he decided?"

"To join the Titans in their oh-so-great crusade against the gods."


Hades's voice boomed across the room, making the ground vibrate. Melinoe whispered for me to be a good boy as she went to her father. "What is it?"

"Before the war starts, there's something I'd like to give you." He clapped his hands, and a ten-foot-long spear appeared. Red runic inscriptions swirled around it, exuding power. "A fine weapon crafted by our blacksmiths, just for you. Put it to good use."

Melinoe's eyes widened in awe and perhaps a touch of fear. "So, you're finally giving me a real weapon." Melinoe hugged her spear tightly, smiling. "It's wonderful."

Hades nodded. "We're entering a war. The swords you usually use won't suffice in a battle against our family. And, today is your birthday, so consider it a present."

Melinoe embraced Hades as he ruffled her hair and turned to Persephone.

"Hopefully, you haven't forgotten about your own wife?"

Hades shook his head. "Of course not, dear." Hades whistled, and Furies appeared by his side, bowing their heads respectfully. They opened their hands, and Hades took what was in them.

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