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I awoke in a wooden cabin, staring at the dull mahogany walls. There was a small fireplace, and I coughed from the scent of soot. I felt really light when I got up - and quickly scarfed down the eggs and meat(which tasted like chicken) someone so kindly left - along with a mug of water. It didn't make me feel any less hungry, but the buzzing noise in my head softened. And I was able to walk without feeling like I was benching three hundred pounds with every step.

When I sat on a nearby chair, guessing Elena and Helen decided to stay on his farm until I recovered. After all, Elena had her own share of injuries, and Helen couldn't protect us while fighting powerful monsters on her own. Helen was also roughed up - meaning she too needed time to recover. I wondered where the two were.

My sword was on the table. I grabbed it and headed out, and my first sight was the famous flesh-eating horses. Except I remember there being more of them. Were they eaten?

Golden chickens roamed freely, but they were an exception. Everything, from the cows to the goats, was locked up in steel fences. The atmosphere felt different than when I first came. It was silent save for the chirping noises and more serene. The animals weren't agitated by our presence - they kept quiet. Even the bluegrass radiated more brightly. It was as if killing Menoetius lifted a curse set in this place.

There were three other cabins next to the rooster hens. I went inside each of them but had no luck. Helen and Elena weren't there. Were they heading towards the cabin I was in?

I ran back, and sure enough, they were. Helen and Elena carried baskets in their hands, and both were covered in cloth. My belly rumbled. I sure hoped they had food.

The two noticed me as I sprinted towards them. "Sorry if you couldn't find me. I was looking for the two of you," I huffed.

Helen hit me with a bear hug, and I patted her head. "I guess I made you worry again, huh?" She nodded, still clutching me tightly. I hugged her back. "Sorry, little sis. Guess I was a little reckless."

"You don't sound sorry," Helen let go of me. "How do you feel?"

"Tired. Hungry. Really hungry. What's in those baskets?"

"Elena and I finished taking caring for the animals here. After taking a shower, we realized there was an orchard here, where dryads lived. Elena talked to them, and they gave us apples."

"Then we cooked apple pie," Elena continued. "We gave some to the dryads as thanks and taught them how to make it themselves."

"You two had an eventful day, then," I smiled. "I'm guessing the two of you planned to do something with the food?"

The three of us sat down and ate. The apple pie was top-notch. I sat, smiling as Elena and Helen discussed what happened while I was recuperating. Apparently, some naiads were interested in me. Elena shooed them away, and they didn't take that well. Until she offered them some pie, they would splash her dress with mud whenever she came near their ponds. And they would also make it hard for her to clean herself - restricting her access to their water.

"Sorry about that. I'm willing to go speak with those naiads if it'll-"

"No," Elena was absolute. "You most certainly are not."

"Well, if you're so sure. More importantly, when will we be leaving?"

"We could depart right now if you want."

"Have the two of you rested adequately? We were all beaten pretty badly. If either of you needs more time, we can stay until the day after tomorrow. Being hasty after our last fight will only endanger us."

"I am rather tired," Elena admitted. "But I don't think I need the entire day."

"I see. But I'm sure you alone healed my wounds and Helen's. I'll be happy to stay here another day or two if it means you can regain your strength."

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