Chapter 3

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*Zephyr Heights castle*

As the MareStream lands Queen Heaven comes out and said:" Darlings I'm so glad you made it * hugs them both then she saw the other three * and I see your friends came as well

Zipp smiled and said:" I'm glad to be here as well I just wished it wasn't like this though

Heaven sighed and said:" me as well my darling but what he did was wrong and he should know better

Zipp sighed and said:" do you know any news about his condition

Lawyer pony:" as of now his lawyer very hush

Zipp saw a stallion with a black fur coat and also a brown mane he said:" as we know of he and this pony go way back

Queen Heaven cleared her throat and said:" Zipp meet your lawyer he is going to defend you against Thundermane

Zipp looks at him he nodded his head and said:" good flight I hope it was for you

Zipp spoke:" thanks

Voice spoke behind the lawyer:" of course your the first to introduce urself hmmm

Zipp saw a stallion he smirked and had blue eyes he said:" better go get rest up as ur hearing starts in a couple of hours* chuckled* I see you all soon hmph as will see

Voice left leaving the 5 ponies confused

Lawyer pony:" don't worry Voice is a stallion who still hasn't been lost in a long time within the court mostly I think he has started to go mad at some point and the lack of evidence I think that the court will favor our side more than Thundermane

Zipp sighed and said:" I just want this over with

Lawyer pony nodded his head and said:" of course

Queen Heaven smiled and said:" we should take u ponies to your rooms and I bet you're hungry come on now

As the 4 ponies left Voice watch them and blink as red eyes turned then back to Blue he smiled then he flap his feather wings

* Zephyr heights jail*

Thundermane spoke:" my lawyer said I can bring my water that he gave me as it would be a long trial

Thunder spoke from the bars:" fine but no funny business alright

Thundermane nodded and he saw the shackles he watch as they were put on he sighed and he looked around as he was being taken away into the jail cart he heard Zoom spoke:" I heard the case is going to be easy

Thunder spoke:" like always again

Thundermane listen then chuckled:"hmm not quite In one hour those of you who are still alive will envy... *chuckles* to not take head to my advice of believing in me

Zoom spoke:" yeah yeah I bet

Thundermane sat in his cell then as they were taking off to the jail he looked out and noticed Voice watching him and shook his head no he blinked then saw voice was gone Thundermane looks at his water bottle he then looked outside and saw everpony news and citizen he didn't flinch as the two royal guards took him away

* Zephyr Heights *

Zipp place her stuff on her bed she took out the tea Alphabittle gave her she sniffed it and gagged at the smell still but she poured it she then heard her door open and saw Pipp and Hitch

Pipp spoke while panting:" Zipp look * shoved her flypad to Zipp face

Zipp sighed and said:" what is it...

Zipp saw a news pony went to Thundermane she spoke:" Mr Thundermane are u sure that u want to go forward with this after all you have done

Thundermane spoke:" I know what I did was right that princess doesn't seem that way but I know I did everything right as a pony of science I will never do anything to harm any pony she believes in a pony who experimented herself I did it by knowledge meant but she was the one that was infected I am a normal pony as all of you it's her she infected just as me and I have the evidence

Zoom spoke:" alright move on

The feed was cut off Zipp said:" still the same

Pipp said:" mostly more of the line of possibilities for the court and... * sniffs * ew is that the tea

Pipp see the tea she gasp and rambled:" Zippwhy areyoustilldrinkingthatstuffIthoughtyoustoppeditafter... * Hitch covers her mouth*

Hitch looks at Zipp and says:" should I or you do the honors of telling her

Zipp groaned and said:" Pipp I'm still drinking the tea but it has nothing to do with me being a bat or bat pony alright Hitch knows after he saw me drinking it

Hitch said to Pipp:" she just still drinking it even I don't know why but I believe it best to just let her do what she's prefers right now alright

Pipp sighed then said:" fine I guess so... your secret safe with me sis

Zipp smiles and says:" thanks sis

Royal guard:" Princess Zipp, and Pipp it almost time to leave

Zipp sighed and said:" ok will be there

Royal guard nodded his head and left with Pipp and Hitch leaving as well leaving Zipp

Zipp drinks the tea and coughed and said:" still gross as always yuck

As Zipp was about to leave she heard a small chuckling sound she looks back and she saw a bat figured she blinks rapidly but it was gone she looked uneasy but as she step out her room she heard wings flapping she ran back only to see her window open she looked around and saw nothing she groaned then she closed her window and then left her room

Voice raspy voice spoke:" see you in the trial pony * chuckling *

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