Chapter 6

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The 6 ponies ran out of the court room in a panicked as they saw the saw the big screen and saw Dazzle Feather with Voice

Dazzle Feather spoke:" now we all saw what happened to Thundermane

Voice spoke:" correction we all saw what was happening my client wasn't cured he still had the vamping symptoms their is no cure and this proves it

Dazzle Feather question:" so your saying that the cure was false

Voice spoke:" I believe that the vaccine was not effective for my client but only for one pony and that is Zepherina Storm if this is the case then I believe that we are in a situation of a bat pony plague

Dazzle feather spoke in the camera:" their you have it ponies if anyone finds where Thundermane could be flypad it back to you in the station

Zipp groaned:" I don't understand I knew he was cured I could feel it in my wings

Sunny spoke:" Zipp maybe he was lying to you

Izzy nodded and said:" he is very good at it

Pipp narrow her eyes and spoke:" but it not your fault if you didn't see it

Zipp snorted angrily and said:" I did though I could tell he wasn't a batpony but something did when I left did he had anything he took

Izzy gasp and said:" I saw him drinking something like a water bottle

Zipp spoke:" then let's go back in their

* zephyr heights court room*

A shadow picked up a bottle and toss it into the garbage then it heard hoofsteps it turned and open the  other door and left

Zipp opened out the front door and the ponies began to look around and Izzy looked around and said:" huh it was right here now it vanish *gasp * maybe some pony took it

Zipp took out her goggles and she turned on the inferred on and saw hoof prints she said:" no but it's leaving a trail to the garbage can * walks to it and saw the bottle she smiled and said:" bingo

Zipp lifts it up and swab it and put it in a container she said:" now time to see this DNA is all about

As the ponies left the cloak pony watched as on hoof lay on her shoulder and a voice raspy said:" hmm don't worry it be alright you know I am not going to harm him if he undergoes our little * hmph* procedure * chuckle softy's * my boss is a very welcoming to little fledgling like him * hmm* he just needs to be careful and follow the bosses rules and get with the program * heh* now I think it best you leave the grown ponies do the work and remember keep this thing as a little secret ok

Cloak pony:" yes sir * looks back to see him gone* the pony turn and ran away and toss the cloak outside

*outside of Zephyr heights *

Giant wings flapping in the air then landed on the clouds

Thundermane blinks and looks at himself he said:" I feel it it's so good but * throbbing in his head* ah what is this

Voice spoke:" a way to keep you in check

Thundermane saw voice he chuckles and says as he licks a ice cream:" it's so good seeing u again tell me how does it feel having this much power and control hmm is it what you wanted * lowers the cone having Thundermane seeing bugs on it * want a lick it's midnight crunch * soft chuckle

Thundermane looks away and said:" what do you want from me

Voice chuckles and said:" hmm it's not me but my boss hmm he really likes u for some reason

Thundermane spoke:" I'm not interested * gets up and flys down turns and saw Voice nearby him he walks away

Voice smiles and follows him:" oh come on now you don't want to miss the best part don't yeah how long u been in that cellar you can ask you must want to know

Thundermane growled and looked down at him and said:" listen I don't care about who you are but if u follow me I won't hesitate to put ur small body into that rock * turns and walks away *

Voice frowns then slowly smiles and said:" hmmm you know you kinda funny with those threats kinda like a joke just like you

Thundermane ignores him and kept on walking as Voice spoke:" you have nothing but to run Thundermane and you see sooner don't you want to know who order me to give you that Vidal or better yet who it was from because I think you will know sooner or later or do you just want to be in ur relationship back with that mare and filly you have to choose Thundermane

Thundermane then heard wings flapping he turned around but saw nothing and a whispering voice:" choose well fledgling choose well

Thundermane went into the caves and he was in a corner as he closed his eyes and went to sleep

*Zepher heights lab*

Zipp took out the sample and placed it into a tube and she and the ponies we're watching it as it had two strands one unknown the other

Zipp and the ponies gasped as it said:" Marestorm

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