three (the enddddd)

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Pete Wentz is nervous. That's the only way to put it. His palms are sweaty, his fingers are tapping a rhythm out on his knee, and he looks straight ahead the whole way to Chicago. The flight and the drive.

"You're okay, Pete. You said yourself that even if it isn't Patrick, you and the person still have a connection," Nev assures him as they pull into a huge building.

"What's this?" Pete asks. It's way too big to be a mansion. It looks more like a stage. A place where people preform and things.

"You're meeting Patrick here," Max tells him, the camera waving from side to side.

"Why would we meet here?" Pete asks no one in particular. Nev and Max share a look and a small smile before they both shrug.

"No idea," Nev says. As they get out of the car and make their way inside, Pete notices that they are not the only ones here. Not by a long shot. There's tons of cars parked here and down the road. It looks as if someone famous is actually performing here.

Pete doesn't put two and two together. He still has no idea why they're meeting 'Patrick' here of all places.

Nev, Max, and Pete walk inside, Max and Nev's hands linked. The camera is still on Pete as they all walk, Nev and Pete whispering the whole way.

"Where are we going now?" Pete asks. Nev points straight ahead.

"Backstage, my clueless friend," Nev says. Max smiles at Pete's still confused expression.

They keep walking until they finally get backstage. There are all kinds of tech guys around, moving things and getting a guy that Pete can only see from the back ready. He has blue pants, a black button up with the sleeves at his elbows, and black gloves. He has a nice ass, too.

"Stump, you're on stage in five," One of the techs tell the guy in the blue and black. Pete's mouth drops wide open. He's finally catching on.

It isn't until Patrick turns around that he finally sees Pete, Nev, and Max. He almost drops the acoustic in his hands.

"Holy smokes," Patrick whispers to himself. Pete is motionless. Nev and Max are standing there, looking at the two of them through the camera.

They approach each other slowly. Patrick's guitar is swung around his back, forgotten already. He's shorter than Pete by a few inches, but he's the one to pull Pete in for a hug. His arms go around Pete's waist, Pete's going around his neck.

"You're real," Pete says. Patrick just smiles at him.

"That I am," Patrick says. Nev is 'aww'ing at the two of them, making Max laugh.

"Just kiss already!" Max demands, holding the camera closer to them. Patrick takes one of the hands from Pete's waist and puts it on his cheek, stroking it slowly.

"Stump, to the stage. One minute," The same tech guy as before says, making Patrick kiss Pete's cheek and swing his guitar around.

"Don't go anywhere. I'll be back," Patrick promises. He is escorted to below the stage, where he will later come up after the opening video plays.

"How do you feel, Pete?" Nev asks. Pete grins at them.

"In love," He says. They go to the side of the stage to watch Patrick.

The video that plays features Patrick looking all around, squinting as if the sun is in his eyes. It also features him shirtless (that makes the teenage girls [including Pete] yell loudly) before he is thrown a guitar and begins to play it. He then flashes to being bundled up in layers and layers of clothes with snow as the background.

Finally, the clock on the video starts counting down. Every time a new number flicks, Patrick is doing a different face. It's very attractive.

Nev and Max watch Pete with awe. He is standing still, his mouth wide open as Patrick finally comes up from under the stage. The two of them together are the most beautiful thing.

"Hello, Chicago. I am Patrick Stump, and this is Explode," And then he launches into a really good song. Pete still watches, motionless and silent.

The show goes by pretty quickly, and Patrick ends it with a catchy song that Nev and Max don't here the name of. Someone pushes Pete onstage. Patrick motions for him to come over.

He walks to Patrick but stays a few feet away from him. Patrick continues to play his guitar and switches to the headset on his face for his microphone. He walks over to Pete slowly.

"Let's be alone together. We can stay young forever. Scream it from the top of your lungs, lungs, lungs. Say yeah," And the crowd echoes the 'Yeah' as he stops in front of Pete. "This is the road to ruin, and we're starting at the end,"

As the rest of the chords stop, he pulls Pete in and kisses him, making the crowd get even louder. "Thank you, Chicago, for an amazing show,"

Patrick grabs Pete's arm and jumps in the same place he came up. They land on a trampoline, laughing the whole time.

They stop laughing and look into each other's eyes. "I love you, Patrick," Pete says, burying his face in Patrick's neck.

"I love you, too," Patrick says, smiling at Pete. Pete looks up, their eyes meeting, before Patrick leans in and kisses him again.

"Whoa, guys," Max and Nev come in, breaking Pete and Patrick apart.

"So I guess everyone's happy, correct?" Max asks. Everyone nods.

"That's a happy ending if I ever did see one," Nev notes. Everyone nods again.

"Would you like to meet my son, Pete?" Patrick asks after the camera is cut off.

Pete nods eagerly. "Why didn't you tell me about him, though?"

"If I would've told you about him, I thought you might've gotten attached to him. I didn't know if what we had together was going to work out," Patrick says honestly. "As for the wife thing, I didn't tell you I was married because I was ashamed of her. We only married because she got pregnant,"

"It's okay, Patrick. I respect your decisions," Pete says. They kiss again.

"This story is wrapping up quite nicely," Max says into the camera.

"I believe so,"

there will be a short epilogue after this and then it's over.

ah it was extremely short because I was trying to make it like an actually catfish episode. they are only around forty-five minutes long.

okay, byeeeee.

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