Another Announcement

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Okay, guys. I'm sorry.

I know I've been leaving ya'all hanging. With both Wishing Death and Assasin. Fact is; that I lost motivation writing. And to be honest, I don't know when I'll find it again (been two years, what ya expect?). Last weekend I was reading over everything I ever wrote and I was just like: Cringe. So yes. I might edit everything (or mainly just WD and Assasin). But even then, it's gonna take at least till the winter/Christmas holidays till you even about hear, if anything, about how this goes again. Really.

It's like, when school's not a b* you don't wanna write, and if it is being a B* and taking all your time, you just happen to find motivation again 😂

I'm honestly surprised that there are people reading this.... I don't even know what this is. But it kinda makes me happy. Just so you know, I retrieved my old acc. And... well, what to say. There are also a lot of- tons of- s* stories waiting. (It's been 4 years tho, so idk what to think about that)

Looking back, I actually don't find the ideas I had that bad (maybe a lil' underdeveloped), but definitely terribly written. (Actually it's "Cringely written"- if that word even exists.)

I think I've come a little further, or actually, a lot further with my language since then (aka me reading my old stories be like: Oh. GOD. The GRAMMAR.). Yes. The typos ain't even the biggest problem.

Actually, I've been pretty alive and well (as in active) on Wattpad these two(?) years. I just... switched fandoms Ig. It's been a long time for SoW tho, and I think I might dive a little back into Minecraft- not too much, since the other un-busy part of me has been diligently reading Demon Soayer fanfics- and before that Genshin and Creepypasta (Two that I ran out of, the moment I started Demon Slayer lol).

With that: Winter Holidays Start in a week (so the week after the next) but at that, I'll probably have to do a lot of school related reading. And School assignments will probably just get more from there, since I might change schools.

I know. It's kinda cruel to publish a chapter that is an Announcement, and that Announcement is just there to announce a maybe Hiatus, on top of that one which has been unofficially going on for more than a year already. And I'm deeply sorry for that, I should've announced it the moment I realized my writers block for Assasin actually being the loss of motivation.

Yet I never did, believing that I just needed a short break. And that turned into a very long one instead.

However, I will not delete any of my files, drafts and so on, and I will always hope to be able to keep writing this one day. I also have an original story waiting in my drafts- one that started out as a homework assignment- and maybe I'll publish that one day too. I kinda want to move all those old stories from the other acc here- maybe that's too much work though, so maybe I won't. And in hopes that that day might come earlier, as in without disturbing my studies, I'll wait for now.

Perhaps I should've continued this when my classes weren't as annoying as they are now, when I had less challenging tests and exams, but I didn't, and that's my fault, but I hope that you won't throw this book out and just maybe- I'll come back to it.

Hopefully sooner than later.

Peace out for now, everyone. Thank you for sticking with me for so long. Have a great day/night/weekend/week.

You'll see the same thing posted on my main stories and my announcement book, so yes.

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