Arven x Reader Pt. 2

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After the almost dying situation with Arven and Y/n became friends. I guess being on the verge of death with someone really brings people together.

Arven had a lot more to him than you thought at first. Y/n became someone he could talk to easily. He told Y/n about his issues and Y/n listened.

Y/n was the sunshine parting the storm in his mind. Although he didn't show it he was really grateful.

They were both sitting on the ledge of a cliff. Talking about life and petting his pokemon because you still hadn't caught or bonded with one yet.

"Arven it's weird to think us almost dying made us friends huh?" Y/n said sighing thoughtfully.

"Yeah that's not my first near death experience not surprising due to my goals and situation." Arven said.

"Yeah the amount of times I've gotten into bad situations trying to catch a pokemon is comical at this point." Y/n laughed.

Arven loves that laugh, that smile, the joy. Arven was swooning. He couldn't help it he was a boy in love and she was a clueless girl. What a trope but it was perfect to him.

"Y/n have you ever loved someone so much you just know you want to be with them forever and pray they never slip away?" Arven asked

"Well that's interesting... yeah I've felt that" She says.

"That's the way I feel about you Y/n." Arven admitted. He's dead serious.

Y/n says nothing but just hugs him. He doesn't hesitate to hug back. They hug for a bit and exchange nice words and affection before they hear a rustling in the bushes.

"What's that?" Y/n immediately breaks the hug to go look and Arven follows to make sure she doesn't die.

Y/n looked into the bush and immediately fell backwards due to a mystery pokemon tackling her.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" Arven asked while rushing over to her.

Y/n was giggling as an Eevee licked her face.

Arven sighed in relief.

Arven tossed her a pokeball.

"Oh I didn't even think about that" Y/n giggled then sat up and looked at the Eevee.

"Would you be my pokemon partner?" Y/n asked the Eevee holding out the pokeball to it.

The Eevee chittered happily and pressed it's head to the ball surprising Y/n and Arven.

The ball sucked up the pokemon then confirmed the catch.

Y/n immediately jumped up and hugged Arven.

"Arven I did it!!" She shouted.

"Yes you did" He hugged her back congratulating her before she returned to the pokeball on the ground.

She released the Eevee inside and smiled at it happily. The Eevee seemed excited too.

Arven watched happily watching the girl of his dreams accomplish her goal. She buried her face in his neck.

"Thanks for always being there for me Arven."

Her thanks was very welcomed by him as he hugged her tighter holding her as close as he can.

They left the cliff together hand in hand with his Skwovet and her Eevee following behind them.

Month pass and Arven has literally never felt happier in his life. He eventually did officially ask you out like a man. He's just happy to have the best girlfriend in the world. He almost never leaves your side unless you need privacy.

One sunny spring afternoon Arven and Y/n were taking a walk watching as the hoppip hop from the bushes their mauve color making a stark but welcome constrast to the green trees and flora all around them. Walks like this were normal for Arven and Y/n. They walk down the trail and eventually they hear a loud roar that shakes the earth beneath them.

"What the heck was that?" Arven asked aloud.

"I dunno but i really wanna know" Y/n answered verbally letting Arven know that her natural curiosity was gonna send them on another adventure.

She jogs to the edge of the cliff to see a mysterious pokemon being bullied by some houndour.

She was squinting and trying to identify the odd pokemon. She was in full focus when a Tarountula popped out of a nearby bush scaring her and making her fall from the cliff.

"Y/n!" Arven yelled racing to the edge of the cliff to try and catch her arm.

He couldn't.

He thought she had died and had started crying but then he heard a familiar yell from the bottom of the cliff.

Y/n's rotom phone had caught her hand and gently lowered her by chance.

Arven was relieved and thanked Arceus that she wasn't dead.

She had scared off the houndour and gave a sandwich she packed for lunch to the pokemon making it happy.

Arven decided to try and find a way down the cliffside or at least around.

By the time he found Y/n she had somehow befriended the weird pokemon and by luck Nemona found her first.

Arven hugged her tightly when he found her not even caring to analyze the pokemon.

"You scared me to death Y/n!" He yelled.

Y/n just sighs happily and lays her head on his shoulder.

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