Chapter Thirteen: The Fall

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Day one of The Fall. The Queakeares have taken over the territory. After yesterday we sent out communications to major areas, completely encrypted to specific genetic code. They are making everything hush hush in case of doubles, this is how they let this happen, doubles. They arrange undisclosed meeting places only known to the team, Quileahleah, Zen, Junifere and Zenifere, Ezen knew along with Gowelleah but the rest didn't. When they came back, they returned with 27 spirits and news about the situation. They came from JéFlóuré Dístríct. The territory was surrounded and they barely got through. I asked Quileahleah if Juni and I could go and try and find the outlanders. He actually agreed on one condition, if we took Junifere too. Why Junifere? He is a Svötte, he can fly and he can fight. Or maybe it was so him and Juni could learn to tolerate each other. We stayed at a high altitude. Juni tried to apologize but Junifere refused to acknowledge him, I understand. I know the feeling of having a stranger in your body, I am just glad that me and Ezen got along when we were together. We may not get along now, well she wants to kill me, but I am thankful for that.

We found them using ést. The abandoned villages had been 'abandoned', they were hiding there with Samuéle and the villagers. Under the sweet cover of darkness, we moved every Svötte, outlander, and villager through the tunnel system. This also included Elleáh and Villíe. Quileahleah knew what he was allowing, ex-Queakeares and ex-Quearoses into not only territory, but into hiding. But we didn't have to get along, we are all refugees. This is our home now.

We made it back after a few hours. There was a problem though. There are over 1000 outlanders, not including Svöttes. Luckily for us though, the tunnels were over 8 miles long. We moved a wall back because they were retractable and movable, to the next section so the outlanders could have their own separate section. They had their camp with them, so there was little problem. The abandoned villagers filled up the main bunking areas with 210 sleepers. The extra 40 beds went to the outlanders who needed a proper bed, those who are sick or disabled. Among these was Elleáh. Villíe slept on the floor that night, next to Elleáh. They really did become close. The Quirl castle guys, Quileahleah, Gowelleah, Ezen, Zen, Junifere, Zenifere, Préazé, Melóse, Babyiax, Tréa and Feré, slept in various places and not in the main quarters. Gowelleah wasn't aware of his daughter's presence.

Ezen isn't sleeping tonight. She is going up to the Gödes concerning Juni. We are calling this, being underground, The Fall, the Fall of The Quearoses, the Fall of the monarchy. Ezen puts too much faith in the Gödes. I understand, they fill you with false hope. I went to redeem a favor from him and he refused. Its an unbreakable promise and he broke it. I don't believe in Gödes anymore. I only believe they are overpowerful tyrants who think themselves to be above this world. The Fall is a 'mortal affair' according to him. When I go before him I try the respect, but he doesn't give it in return. I am powerful enough to destroy him and his Gödes. But I don't. Juni tried before, when I was his Altréz. It didn't work. He was betrayed by Níx. I don't want to overthrow him though, well I mean I do, but I don't want his job. Mortals should have free will, not be dictated by these so called 'Gödes'.
I couldn't join Ezen in the Gödes realm, but when she returned she had a box. She told me it contained Juni's weapon.

The next morning, Ezen presented Juni with his weapon. He said he'd thought it to be destroyed in his fight with Zen, but it was a Gödes weapon and can only be destroyed by the one who made it, The Gonichooia.
Zen was not informed about Juni's blades, he was under the impression that he had destroyed it.

Ezen and Juni in the early afternoon decided to do some training, with Juni's new old weapon. We are trapped down here, there was nothing better to do except train for the future. The smaller training areas were occupied by Gowelleah training the boys and the back one was taken by Zenithe and Junifere. The best place we decided was the main hallway slip near the entrance to Quirl castle. When it was quiet we gathered our weapons and started to train. Juni is a very skilful warrior, like Ezen. Ezen was trained in the more modern 'Lallópe' but Juni was trained in the ancient arts of the Gödes, I had both skill sets and had started training Ezen the arts. They started their play-fight. Juni wore his black armor Ezen had given him, his wings were exposed as they didnt fit. He also wore a gigantic smile over his beautiful face, it reminds me of that look he used to direct towards me when we got into mortal trouble in the mortal realm. Ezen was skilled, but with Juni's weapon, he had the advantage. Ezen's weapon is made of Felónex, only half Felónex though, it's powerful against mortals, a real Altréz weapon. But it is no match for a Gödes weapon. Juni won the fight round. Before they started the second round, Juni threw his weapon the Ezen "your turn" he told her, grinning. Ezen smiled and chucked her blades at Juni, and then the second brawl began. This fight was more heated. Both sides grinned with concentration, and joy. An audience started gather in the doorways, I couldn't see everyone but I did see Zenithe, who stood in the corner, he looked impressed, he'd never seen Juni fight, he'd barely seen Ezen fight. The distraction of Zenithe gave Juni an advantage, which he took, sticking down Ezen with one maneuver: however, Ezen's quick reactions, not as quick as mine, slid her out from Juni's next attempt to knock the blades from her hands and she slid around behind him and with one large kick, she knocked and disarmed him, like practice training. Juni laughed as he stood up, his dark hair had fallen down across his face, creating a long mischievous mop over his hazel brown eyes. He gathered it together and tied it with a band on the top of his head, some bits were shorter so they fell back down and he giggled. They both laughed when Juni asked "tie?" And Ezen replied, "no way! I won that." Juni dusted himself off and Ezen presented him with his blades, but before Juni could take it, I heard a gasp from one of the doorways. Still holding Juni's weapon, Ezen turned around to see behind her, staring straight at the glorious weapon in her hands. "Where did you get this?" Zen asked, sounded threatened and authoritative. "What's it to you?" Juni said, confidently. We have been down here for a few days now and Juni has grown to no longer fear Zen, he cannot harm him here. "I destroyed that thing" Zen said in The Language of the Gödes (a friend I know calls it LOG) "its a weapon of The Gonichooia, Zen, only he can destroy it." Ezen said to him, in English , staring to hand the blades back to Juni. "No, NO! You cant give him that! He'll kill us all!" Zen shouted in LOG, he was shaking and his face showed hidden fear covered by arrogance. "Your making a scene. Ezen, why don't you hold onto that for me? Then Zen doesn't feel as threatened with my existence. It's not like I, or any of us, want to be trapped here, underground, with you." Juni said in English, before continuing in LOG, "You know if you keep this up and don't tell them then your lies will betray you. It's that simple." Zen looked at him in shock.
"How can you speak The Language? It's forbidden for the likes of you to know it." Zen said, in LOG, Threateningly. "I know the language because I was there when you learned it, when WE learned it." Juni replied, in LOG. He paused. In a firm but calm and quiet voice he whispered in the forgotten language, "one day, your world will come tumbling down in front of you and your safety walls that are keeping me locked away and 'in line' will be bombed down to reveal nothing but the lies you have told. And I will stand there, alone with golden wings, looking down on what you have become. And you will know nothing but my pain." The first time he had spoken this language around Ezen, she did not know it, I did though. But this time, Ezen was holding Juni's weapon, which contained the last of the forgotten language crystals. Zen looked at Juni confused, this was not a language he knew. Ezen understood every word and she looked back at Juni in subtle shock at what she had just heard. FINALLY! Ezen saw the side of Juni I know! His handsomely devilish persona shines through his language and reveals his true face and all the sudden I am just a shadow behind a wall just listening again.

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