That's Her Destiny.

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"You were back late last night." Tooney remarks the following morning "I missed you. I wanted to dance some more, and I couldn't find you anywhere. Doing anything special? Doing anyone special?" She adds, with a suggestive waggle of her perfect eyebrows.

"Shut up, my head's killing me. I'm never drinking again." Alessia groans, face down on her bed, wrapped in seven layers of duvets. "Yeah, I was with someone actually, their name's Nunya. Ever heard of them?" 

Kiera , who's rummaging in Alessia's bag for shampoo, whistles. "Tetchy this morning, Miss Russo?" She shoots Alessia a look. "What's you get up to, then? You left pretty early."

"Just grouchy 'cause of your shit banter, or pining over a special lad?" Ella adds. She bats her false eyelashes dramatically. Alessia raises her middle finger at them, and Kiera, cackling, leaves the room, with Alessia's shampoo, the little thief!

"You better give that back!" Tooney yells at Keira's (now rapidly retreating) figure. "And only use a little bit! Five-pence piece, Walsh!" Mary laughs from where she is sitting, legs dangling off the edge of her bed, wrapped in an old dressing gown and smudged makeup from the night before. 

"Are you okay, Less?" She asks, her eyes fixed on Alessia's face. They are serious, much more serious than her light-hearted question suggests. "Do you want some breakfast? It was a big night last night, you need some energy." Her tone is deceptively light. 

Alessia groans internally. She loves Mary, but she should have known that Mary would be one of those people - the ones who wouldn't let you brush all your problems aside and starve in peace. Instead, they poked and prodded and subtly encouraged until before you knew it, you were eating three meals and twenty pounds heavier. She shakes her head. 

"Not very hungry, thanks. My head is killing me. I'll eat something later." Mary fixes her with a scrutinizing look. Alessia groans once more, for luck, then swings her legs around and (unwillingly) throws off her covers. The scratches on her back, courtesy of Lily's two-inch gemmed nails, sting as she stretches. 

"Fine. We should probably go eat." Mary shoots her a worried look.She stands up and brushes her clothes off, stretching out her sore joints with a series of sore-sounding cracks.

"Mhm, yeah sounds- ALESSIA RUSSO?" Ella yelps. "Those aren't your clothes! Who are you and what have you done with my best mate?" Alessia looks down at herself. Whoops. The tiny, tight, denim shorts and skin-tight, netted shirt she was wearing had been pressed into her hands last night/early morning by Lily, after their discovery that her own clothes, tossed distractedly over her shoulder, had fallen into one of the many buckets catching dripping water from Lily's leaking, shitty roof. 

Admittedly, it was a bit (very) outside of her usual style, but she didn't think she'd looked that bad. Lily, who'd taken one look at her and snogged her senseless (and then some) against the wall, clearly hadn't thought so either. Mary looks her up and down, grin twisting the corners of her mouth. "Yeah, Less, why'd you look like you just stepped off of Vogue?" She pauses.  "Or a porno?" She adds.  "Christ though, Less, you look good."

"And not at all like my best mate." Tooney grumpily interjects. She scowls. "Not really your thing, Less. Where'd you get them?"

"Oh shut up, I don't look that bad!" She says, heart pounding. "And, yeah," She blanches at Mary and Ella's expectant faces, "About these clothes, I've got a good explanation, I swear!" 

Ella's mouth is wide open. She looks her up and down. (Alessia ignores the small thrill that shoots through her body) "What? You shagged a guy and then took his girlfriend's clothes? Less, I'm proud of you for getting some, but fucking hell, that's a bit far."

"Ooh, who shagged someone's boyfriend?" Comes Kiera's curious voice from the room opposite. Alessia's head snaps round to glare pointedly at Ella, who raises her hands in mock innocence.

"No-one's fucking anyone's boyfriends!" She calls over her shoulder."

Yeah, piss off and go shower, Kiera!" Mary adds. Alessia looks back at Ella. "No!" She says, half-shouting, anger lending volume to her voice. "I would never!"

"I mean, seriously, Less, you look great" Ella says, scanning her eyes down the blonde's body. Alessia shivers. "Really, really great. But are you planning on getting changed anytime soon? And doing something about all those hickies. Also, I'm taking a photo for blackmail." She raises her phone. 

Unbeknownst to Alessia, Ella's heart was pounding a mile and minute. She'd seen Less in revealing clothes before, and all manner of dodgy outfits and not-so-great fashion choice (*cough, that one night out in London, cough*). But this was something else. 

Showing off her long, smooth, legs (she'd had to borrow Ella's spare wax strips the night before, having forgotten her own), the shorts cling to her curves. They look painted on, almost, the effect only ruined by the small gap between the waistband of the shorts and (Ella noted, with a slight hint of worry rising in her chest) Alessia's steadily-shrinking waist.

The netted shirt covers frighteningly little, and Ella can clearly make out the swirling lace of Alessia's bra, as well as the soft curve where her breasts meet, pushed together by the bra. The colour complements her eyes, and, God, had they always been that blue? They watch her now.

Oh fuck.

Alessia was staring at her, biting down slightly on her lip, waiting for her to say something.

Ella grins a touch too manically. "Blackmail secured!" she cheers. "But what actually are you going to do about." She gestures to Alessia's neck. "All of.. that. Christ, Lessi, was he a vampire of something? Took you back to his house and drank your blood, innit?"

Alessia flushes red. Lily had been... overeager, with her nails and mouth that night, and she bore the numerous hickies and thin red scratches to prove it. Alessia collapses back on the bed, groaning. "No, cheers, Tooney, wasn't a vampire, I'm just hot." She jokes.

"Yeah, you are." Ella thinks. And then: "Lord, I should not be thinking that."

"Fuck it. Pass me my jumper, the one with the big ass neckline, and that shirt. I'm not facing the girls like this." Lessi says. She makes no move to get up off the bed and grab it herself.

"Not facing us like what?" Lucy yells from next door.

"Yeah, like what?" Kiera chimes in.

"Actually go away, Kie, you're doing me head in!" Alessia shouts, only half-joking.

"Ooh, are they his sister's clothes or something then? How're you getting yours back? Meeting up for a sneaky shag before we go home? Didja get his number?" Mary asks eagerly.

"I'll figure it out. Let's go eat." Alessia waves a hand dismissively. She snags Mary's arm as they turn to leave, pulling her close to whisper in her ear. "Besides, it wasn't a him that I fucked. And she," Alessia stresses the 'S' " loved these clothes, thank you very much."

Alessia Russo x Ella Toone - The Winner Takes It All, The Loser Has to Fall.Where stories live. Discover now