Chapter 11

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The group of girls sat and watched with second-hand embarrassment as Emma talked to her crush on the phone, all of them knowing that underneath her pajamas she wore a diaper for a potty-training child. Picturing Disney princesses on the absorbent underwear beneath her tight, blue pajama bottoms, childlike in design, as Emma talked to the boy made her blush, as well as make the others smirk. The embarrassment on her face caused a few outbursts of laughter from the fellow teens as they held their hands over their mouths to stifle the giggles. Emma just tried to ignore.
"Hey, Josh. What's up?" Emma said, scrunching her face and trying not to let he lump in her throat become apparent.
"Uh, hey Emma." Josh said, nervously. "I thought Anna said you couldn't talk?"
"Yeah, I was in the shower." Emma responded. "It's fine." She was still squishing her face in her uncomfortableness.
"Shower?" Josh asked. He thought it was odd for someone to be showing during a slumber party, especially in the middle of the evening.
"Yeah, we were uh playing truth or dare and it got a little messy. It's nothing. So, what's up?" Her face was beet red at this point. Under normal circumstances she would love her crush to be contacting her, but given the circumstances she just wanted this call to end.
Anna and the gang, however loved the added bonus to their little game. They had never seen Emma squirm so much. They soaked up every bit of the moment they could. Anna jumped off of the bed and grabbed the phone from Emma, putting it on speaker so all of them could hear. Emma just shot a dirty look towards the blonde, but knew she couldn't say a thing.
"Oh, I uh..." Josh stuttered. He didn't exactly know what to say. "I was just uh, I was thinking about you and I uh..."
"Aww" the boy was cut off by one of the sleepover participants. "That's so cute, Josh."
That remark made Josh blush while all the other girls giggled. All of the other girls except for Anna who most certainly didn't like Josh showing his admiration for her competition.
"Oh, am I on speaker?" Josh said, now embarrassed and even more flustered.
"Don't pay attention to them, Josh. They're just being immature." Emma tried to reassure the boy.
"Us immature?" Anna shouted. "You really want to talk about maturity, Emma?"
Emma's eyes went wide. She wouldn't, she thought. Anna wanted to. She wanted to call Emma Miss Potty Pants right there. She wanted to make a quick remark about the pull-ups Emma was wearing. She was itching to destroy Emma's chances with Josh. But she couldn't. Not this way. They had a deal.
"What's she talking about?" Josh kind of laughed.
"Emma wanted to play candy land." Stacey jumped into the conversation, trying to save Emma the embarrassment and give Anna an out.
"Candy Land? Seriously?" Josh laughed. "What are you six?"
"Haha, yeah." Emma said, taking the cover. "What can I say, I was feeling nostalgic." She looked at Stacy with a look of appreciation and mouthed the words "thank you."
Anna just stood there, arms crossed, regretting not making her move, but she knew she still had her opportunities, and she was going to take them.

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